Scott Logistics > Carriers Get automated access to more than 98% of today's active carriers. SCOTLYNN is not liable for any loss, late-delivery, non-delivery, or consequential damages caused by the act, default or omission of: (1) the Carrier, (2) the CUSTOMER or (3) any other party who claims interest in the shipment, or caused by the nature of the shipment or any defect thereof. Once you join CURA's carrier network, we will match you with a dedicated member of our Carrier Sales Team. We have been pulling loads for them for over a year now. . $53K-$74K Per Year (Glassdoor est.) TELEPHONE Chattanooga: (423) 805-3705 St. Petersburg: (727) 440-3580 Maple Grove: (763) 307-4700. As a result, weve become one of the fastest-growing companies in the nation. For help or questions regarding the registration process on this website, contact J.H. In 2019, we began a new chapter and are thrilled to now be a part of FLS Transportation. Home Page - We make carrier onboarding fast and effortless, so you can move more freight and make more profit. Integrates with over 50 load boards as well as Assure Advantage & MyCarrierPackets. However, because RTS cares about carriers (no Scrooges here), we try to process those ACH payments the day before the holiday (one day ahead of schedule) so you can receive your payment faster. RTS mode for carriers question, etc. - Aircraft Carriers - World of Remember to reboot your controller. Our team is equipped to seamlessly manage your shipments. SCOTLYNN CANNOT GUARANTEE DELIVERY BY ANY SPECIFIC TIME OR DATE. The Terms and Conditions are subject to change by SCOTLYNN upon posting on SCOTLYNNs website from time to time. Fueled by a passion to contribute more, the One initiative utilizes the services offered through C.R. About. Carriers - OTR Transportation CUSTOMER does not exercise or retain any control or supervision over SCOTLYNN or its operations, employees, or carriers. Step 1 - Current StageStep 2Step 3Step 4 Progress 0% Welcome to the FLS Transportation and Scott Logistics Corp Online Carrier Application. Carriers | Transfix A check will be mailed first-class mail. Let the experts in online carrier packets manage the site. RTS does not have a cutoff for when we consider an invoice received on a given day. MyCarrierPackets provides the best carrier onboarding service in the industry. You will be required to meet the following Carrier Compliance Requirements: Safety Rating must be Satisfactory or None. Become an Approved Carrier Haul for Armstrong In business for more than 15 years, Armstrong offers a variety of loads across North America. Petersburg: (727) 440-3580Maple Grove: (763) 307-4700. Primary Mailing Address P.O. Scotlynn is a leading service provider with excellent staff. We are paid very quick and never had any issues whatsoever. It centralizes the onboarding process and provides a very valuable service at a very reasonable price. I have worked with them from the beginning, and from day one, they have continued to raise the bar for what I expect from other brokers. This Agreement does not entail any assignment of any intellectual property to CUSTOMER. Standard detention starts after one hour free at shipper or consignee. As long as the invoice is received by 11:59 p.m. that day, it will be considered as invoiced on that same date (provided all necessary documents are submitted with the original invoice). This message will be sent to the appropriate representative for Carriers, please fill out this e-mail form and send. As a participant in the EPAs Smartway Certification program, we encourage all our carriers to participate in this environmentally charged program. The services Scotlynn offers are unmatched and we look forward to working together for many years to come. MyCarrierPackets has taken the stress out of getting carriers contracted with us. If requested by CUSTOMER, SCOTLYNN agrees to provide CUSTOMER with proof of acceptance and delivery of loads in the form of a signed Bill of Lading or Proof of Delivery, as specified by CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER shall defend, indemnify and hold SCOTLYNN harmless from any penalties or liability of any kind, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of CUSTOMERs failure to comply with applicable hazardous materials laws and regulations. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the website may be used by CUSTOMER, its subsidiaries and affiliates for their internal purposes. Learn More We Put Culture First Universal - General Requirements Carrier Profile-Scotlynn Transportation - YouTube The Assure Assist MyCarrierPackets service is an extremely valuable tool for our company. The service is not only innovative but it's affordable too! For help on the explanation of individual data fields, click on any field name or for help of a general nature go to SAFER General Help. (e) These Terms and Conditions shall not serve to affect or limit the liability of the Carrier performing the transportation services for the CUSTOMER. IN NO EVENT SHALL SCOTLYNN BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXAMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS OR LOSS OF MARKET, LOSS OF INCOME, DAMAGES ARISING FROM LOSS, ATTORNEYS FEES OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, WRONG DELIVERY, OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, DELAYED DELIVERY OR FAILURE TO ATTEMPT DELIVERY, WHETHER OR NOT SCOTLYNN HAD KNOWLEDGE THAT SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSSES MIGHT OCCUR. Our team of knowledgeable Account Managers and Sales Representatives are committed to identifying and leveraging the most effective mode of transportation for every shipment, putting process and innovation ahead of cost in order to get the job done right every time, no matter what. With MyCarrierPackets, we have mainstreamed our carrier onboarding process and there is more information readily available to support our risk management and compliance. Your Customer Service Representative will help expedite your payment so that you can focus on operating your business. Also, why recreate the wheel? If payment of claim is made by SCOTLYNN to CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER automatically assigns its rights and interest in the claim to SCOTLYNN so as to allow SCOTLYNN to subrogate its loss. Past-due invoices are subject to a service charge, calculated on the outstanding balance, at the lesser of (i) the rate of one and one-half percent (1 1/2)% per month or (ii) the highest legal rate authorized by applicable law. Backed by our in-house technology, you'll have 24/7 full visibility into your shipment and reliable . Our freight dispatchers and Carrier Compliance team save a ton of time in onboarding, allowing them to focus on the core business covering freight versus combining through all compliance data and chasing down contracts and insurance. Fri 8am - 5pm. With exceptional support . Quick Pay & Fuel advances EFS. McLeod Software is based in Birmingham, AL and has been serving the trucking industry for over 35 years. As one of the fastest growing asset-based logistics operations, Mid America Logistics cares about our carriers. HEADQUARTERS505 Riverfront Parkway,Chattanooga, TN 37402, TELEPHONEChattanooga: (423) 805-3705St. We are beyond grateful to have found MyCarrierPackets because they were able to check off every box we needed! -24/7 Full Service Operations. Box 391 Rome, GA 30162 Accounting Phone: 706-234-1184 Accounting Fax Number: 706-314-0551 Dispatch Phone: 800-893-6689 MCP is run by great people, whom are friendly and quick to respond! Potential carriers can initiate. (d) SCOTLYNN MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH REGARD TO DELIVERIES OR WITH REGARD TO THIS WEBSITE, INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS WEBSITE OR SERVICES RELATED TO TRANSACTIONS CONDUCTED ON THIS WEBSITE. Scotlynn is a premier transportation and logistics provider, specializing in hauling time-sensitive refrigerated produce, with the use of state-of-the-art equipment. Our 24 hour road service helps you avoid delays and operate safely and efficiently. SCOTLYNN has no responsibility, liability or involvement in the issuance of insurance, the denial of insurance, or in the payment of claims. All Bills of Lading are NON-NEGOTIABLE. Choose My Signature. There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. ROAR Logistics now has the ability to spend more time with our customers and carrier-partners because we save time, money, and resources by utilizing MyCarrierPackets. With access to over 40,000 carriers and unwavering support from a committed team, our freight brokerage services provide flexible options to quickly move your goods at any moment. Home [] Assure Assist's is a unique Online Carrier Packet. Always offers professional and courteous service, with excellent communication. There's a chance I'm overlooking something we've done in the last year, but off the cuff, I'd say that transferring from another provider to MCP has been the best transaction and one of the best overall decisions we've made as a brokerage. Please get in touch with us about one of our current loads and well look into setting you up in our system. Carrier Requirements What are our Carrier requirements to haul for us? Freight charge payment is necessary in order for the Carrier to process a claim. Learn more Why would I use your online carrier packet rather than mine? Contact. Click Here to download PDF copy of Certificate, Click here to download PDF copy of Certificate. The MCP platforms are user friendly for both our logistics specialists and our partner carrier network. If the CUSTOMER breaches this provision, SCOTLYNN shall be entitled, as reasonable damages and not as a penalty, to a commission of fifteen percent of the gross revenue from traffic assigned by CUSTOMER to such carrier for a period of fifteen months. They have 95% of the carrier insurance certificates preloaded for us, and when not on file, they generally obtain them within the hour on all new carriers setup and carriers we have a load waiting with. They always communicate with the shippers and receivers on our behalf to speed up the unloading process when needed. Quick online setup / digital on-boarding. Insurance Requirements: Cargo $100,000 General Liability $1,000,000 Auto Coverage $1,000,000 Worker's Comp Statutory limits *Universal Dedicated requires: $250,000 cargo Request hassle-free detention or lumper codes with a single tap. MegaCorp relies on carriers of many sizes to help deliver our clients truckload shipments. The easy integration with Assure Advantage to monitor carrier safety and insurance was an immediate benefit realized from this decision. Happy users! Person means any individual, corporation, limited liability company, joint venture, trust, partnership or other entity. Except as provided in any written agreement between the parties, rates and charges for Shipments will be based on actual or dimensional weight, whichever is greater. It's affordable, helps brand our company, and allows us to setup carriers online seemlessly! The tools are integrated with our TMS too. Save up to $35,000 per truck, per year with . Scotlynn Sweetpac Growers is Norths Americas Farm Stand, with a multitude of farms across several growing regions in two different countries we are able to offer the freshest, best tasting vegetables, In order to be successful, one must project an image of success at all times.. Please fill out your info below, we look forward to working with you! Double brokering has come to mean many things in our industry. The Carrier Connection e-newsletter will provide you with current industry information and through our Daily Load Board Email you will get available load information emailed directly to you daily. -Point of Sale Lumper Payments. Call 801.656.4500 now to get a freight quote. Our payment history is one of the best in the industry. CUSTOMERs or any other partys insertion of SCOTLYNNs name on the bill of lading shall be for convenience only and shall not change SCOTLYNNs status as a property broker. We make set up easy and fast. Since using MyCarrierPackets, weve been asking ourselves why we havent done so sooner! All elements identified as required must be finalized in order for the qualification process to be completed. Our team simply sends an invitation to a carrier after reviewing the search results in MyCarrierPackets, and MyCarrierPackets takes it from there. Thank you! Please review Scott Logistics standard terms governing all shipments. MCP has proven to be an invaluable tool just in the first month of using it. Home - CBT Inc. - Expect More 14706. Of all the decisions we have made, choosing MyCarrierPackets is at the top of the list. Hours. We are small company and technology plays a large part in making things happen with a small group of people. CUSTOMER also agrees that the breach of this provision entitles SCOTLYNN to be entitled to obtain an injunction against CUSTOMER in a court of competent jurisdiction, at SCOTLYNNs option. Our operations team is available 24/7 to provide the same level of service to our carriers as we provide for our customers. Click Here for Carrier Setup. MyCarrierPacket is an excellent program for managing carriers. Furthermore, CUSTOMER acknowledges that SCOTLYNN is not obligated to provide cargo insurance and is not legally liable for any loss, damage or delay of freight. Shippers - complete all of the information below so that ALC may give you an accurate quote to move your freight. Keep things running smoothly with top brand tires at discounted prices. MyCarrierPackets has accomplished the following for our business: Reduced the time involved with generating carrier packets, eliminated unnecessary manual processing of forms, Cut the turn-around time on carriers returning carrier packets by 75%, carriers have been able to use MCP with ease and appreciate it. I was very skeptical at first. This service has saved our company so much time in the setup process, and the integration with McLeod was the cherry on top. Regular Payment ACH - Payment will be made the 30th day following receipt of required documents. We like their Quick Pay program and have always been paid the same day or first thing in the morning the next day. Corporate Headquarters Drivers James River Carriers Let Scott Logistics Corp. be your one-call source for all your personalized aspects of transportation. With outstanding customer service, the transition to MyCarrierPackets was quick and easy, and JGLC highly recommends their services to anyone looking to save time and money. FourKites is a tracking service required on some of our loads; in accepting these loads, you recognize that failure to track could result in removal from the load. Now it can take from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. If you have any questions regarding carrier insurance or carrier liability, please contact SCOTLYNN for more details. Partners - Scotlynn U.S. Div. v. Titan Trans Corp., 555 F. Supp. 3d 1246 $1M Auto Liability Insurance Minimum $100,000 Cargo Insurance Minimum Must List "Five Star Trucking, LTD" as Certificate Holder Must List Reefer Breakdown on Insurance Certificate (If Applicable) Satisfactory FMCSA Rating Completed Carrier Onboarding Packet Proud members of: Let's stay connected! For any issues or discrepancies, please reach out to our Carrier Relations Team at or 937-535-4638. Who do I contact regarding a claim? I would recommend them to any Aljex TMS freight broker looking to outsource carrier onboarding! If the CUSTOMER does not complete all the documents required for carriage, or if the documents which they submit are not appropriate for the services, pick up or destination requested, the CUSTOMER hereby instructs SCOTLYNN, where permitted by law, to complete, correct or replace the documents for them at the expense of the CUSTOMER. Carrier Partners Uncompromising 24/7 Service Our carriers trust us to provide them with dependable service, and we honor that in everything we do. MyCarrierPackets makes all other onboarding processes obsolete. It has allowed us to focus on sales and customer service instead of setting trucking companies up. The CUSTOMER is liable for all charges payable on account of such CUSTOMERs shipment, including but not limited to transportation, fuel and other applicable accessorial charges, including all adjustments issued by the carrier(s) after the shipment, and all duties, customs assessments, governmental penalties and fines, taxes, and SCOTLYNNs attorney fees and legal costs allocable to this shipment and/or all disputes related thereto. I can't speak more highly of the service or of Jay and his team. Carrier Login - R2 Logistics NEW CARRIER SET UP PACKET Thank you for choosing Eyes Logistics Services, Inc. ELS has been operating as a transportation broker since 1987. 300 Arboretum Place, Suite 601, North Chesterfield, United States. All in all we are very pleased with My Carrier Packets. Reduce risk and save time with best-in-class carrier onboarding. Dispatch Services. Carrier Setup - Convoy Logistics Carriers. Since implementing the MyCarrierPackets services integrated with McLeod, we've noticed a new level of efficiency in our carrier onboarding and monitored processes. To help identify parties that are reassigning your loads to other parties without your knowledge, we have created Double Brokering Alerts. A Setup Code should have been included in the link emailed to you. When you partner with Prime, you get the strength and security of a billion-dollar asset-based carrier that sees and understands the market from a carrier's perspective. It provides integration with Assure Advantage; that makes verification quick and easy. Become a Carrier | Carrier Set Up | ITS Logistics Any changes we need to make to our qualifications are instant (and free!) To obtain a CSP please visit the CSP order page or call (800)832-5660 or (703)280-4001 (Fee Required). Huge efficiency win for us. Copyright 2023 by Scott Logistics Corp., an FLS Transportation Company. Out of all of my brokers, these guys are the best!, Megacorp is one of our favorite brokers to work with. 1. revert back to RTS version for full complete carrier driving/management. Email Us. We implemented MCP in May 2018 and couldnt be happier. One Employee, One Customer, One Community at a Time. Services. We are able to access all of the carrier's pertinent information in one streamlined database that is easy to navigate. The amount of time saved in sending back and forth carrier packets, monitoring insurance certificates and other important administrative tasks that we have saved is extraordinary. We have the utmost respect for drivers. Modern Logistics - MoLo We looked at many of them, nearly adopted some, but ultimately made the decision to implement Assure Assists carrier onboarding tool Further, except to the extent the Terms and Conditions conflict with any written agreement between the Parties, the Terms and Conditions shall supersede any alleged or asserted oral agreement, promise, representation, or understanding between the Parties. In addition to centralizing our onboarding processes and making our carrier setup more efficient, MyCarrierPackets also has saved us from being victims of identity theft. You can also follow us through social networks below. The rates for the service is a fraction of what it should be and it doesn't fluctuate! Our staff really likes how much faster and easier it is now to get set up with a carrier than our prior manual method. All freight claims should be submitted immediately to SCOTLYNN to help ensure timely resolution. For more information, please click here. Triple T Transport provides professional third-party logistics services throughout the US and Canada. I think the correct question is, why wouldn't you? My Carrier Packets has helped us onboard carriers more efficiently, drastically reducing the time and expense in the setup process. We love MyCarrierPackets. With in minutes carriers are screened for safety and fraud and set up in our system. 8042938860 mcongdon@jamesrivercarriers. Quote Form. Click here to visit Load Manager Inc A cloud-based enterprise TMS, LoadStop is the only TMS designed for carriers and trucking companies. But we think in return that the carriers we work with deserve attentive and respectful treatment. MyCarrierPackets provides Taylor Logistics with an extremely efficient carrier compliance and onboarding service. Further, in the case of conflict between the Terms and Conditions contained herein and those set forth by the Carriers General Rules Tariff, these Terms and Conditions shall apply. Carriers page - Direct Connect Logistix CARRIER ONBOARDING. Assure Assists MyCarrierPackets is a great product and they have amazing customer service! Scotlynn. Carrier Setup Package. A subscription to My Carrier Packets is something that we should have done years ago! Bundle your head hauls and backhauls to reduce empty miles. You should receive an email in the next few minutes with a link to change your password. By setting up risk parameters, and being able to manage carrier selection decisions by exceptions based upon risk assessment, it frees up time for all stakeholders in the process while improving quality and safety of carrier base. Shipment is the total of the Packages and their contents listed and described on the Bill of Lading, or as amended in subsequent written documentation provided to SCOTLYNN. Submit an electronic W9. CARRIER could be subject to a $50 charge or deduction. SCOTLYNN may modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time, upon mailing notice of such change to CUSTOMER at the address shown on SCOTLYNNs records or by posting the most up to date Terms and Conditions on Defendant Titan Trans Corporation ("Titan") is a motor carrier, which, from at least May 12, 2014 through September 30, 2016, transported freight by truck. Scotlynn Transport LLC is an active DOT registered motor carrier operating under USDOT Number 2386725 and MC Number 820187. Once you have registered as a carrier, you may email for any payment status inquiries. It improved time and efficiency to enter, qualify and monitor each carrier. PHONE. When a broker re-brokers a load, or a carrier sub-contracts it without your approval, it can lead to increased costs, delayed deliveries, and potential legal liabilities. That's why we offer faster pay than the other guys, along with a quick-pay program and plenty of freight to keep you busy. Fuel Cards for Truckers Are They Worth It? -Dedicated lanes available. Factored Check - Payment will be made the 35th day following receipt of required documents. He has a fantastic company and I can only hope it keeps growing and prospering as the years unfold. Regular Payment Check- Payment will be made the 30th day following receipt of required documents. Direct Connect Logistix is a nation-wide transportation and logistics company headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can count on Scotlynn being available 24/7 and knowing all the details associated with poultry and border clearance. 2. The most current and controlling version of the Terms and Conditions are published at Rates are in USD and include fuel surcharges, and unless otherwise noted, rates exclude accessorial charges, custom clearance or other international crossing fees. $5.00. Get access to the ECS fuel network and receive discounts at over 550 locations. All the data we ask for in our set up is automatically imported to McLeod including contracts and W-9s. Dedicated lanes and round trip business. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. We are above and beyond impressed by MyCarrierPackets! It is a very streamlined process and quick for our carriers to get set up. We are truly grateful for all that MyCarrierPackets provides. Fuel Advances: They offer excellent customer support to assist with any issues that may arise. Any unauthorized alteration or use of Bills of Lading or tendering of shipments to any carrier other than that designated by SCOTLYNN, or the use of any Bill of Lading not authorized or issued by SCOTLYNN shall VOID SCOTLYNNs obligations to make any payments relating to this shipment and VOID all rate quotes. Agreement to the Terms and Conditions. Scott Logistics Corp. is committed to diversity by creating an environment that is progressive, flexible, and inclusive. Powered by Trucker Tools, Atlas Now provides carriers with an enhanced client experience. Our company started in the agriculture sector, farming fresh produce along the north shores of Lake Erie for local markets. The Carrier Managers are great to communicate with and I feel have the best intentions for our business. The ability to follow our invoices and payout reports makes managing our business much easier. A check will be mailed first-class mail. Assure Assist support team is top notch as well. Also, MCP integrated with our TMS seamlessly; which made getting set up very smooth and easy! Weve never experienced a delay in contacting their dispatch team, even after hours. SCOTLYNNs liability therefore shall be limited to the fees that SCOTLYNN has earned with respect to the subject shipment. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers 1.19K subscribers Subscribe Carrier Profile-Scotlynn Transportation About the Show The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for. I can always count on [them] to take care of us should the need arise.