Northern Area Photo Contest. Photos must be taken in Pennsylvania. Submit a photo showing an aspect of hunting other than the harvest and provide a short caption (a few sentences) describing why it is meaningful to you. Groundhogs are classified as a small game species in Pennsylvania. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Error! Congratulations to Jeremy Napp from Selinsgrove for winning the Game Commission's 2021 Trail Cam Photo Contest! If the online uploading process doesnt work for you, you can submit your entries on a USB jump drive or a CD/DVD. Pennsylvania: Game Commission Trail Cam Photo Contest For official rules and other important details, visit: Jeremy's photo received more than 4,500 likes, the most out of any other photo submitted this year. Just email your photos, with the subject line: "Shed Hunt Photo Contest," by Wednesday, March 16, 2022. We asked a few of these talented women: Why did you choose to go into a science-based field? Here are their answers: Declining turkey populations prompt hunting changes in Pennsylvania 2 settimane. Wildlife Art Available From The Pennsylvania Game Commission We will create a request for files link via Dropbox. To enter, submit a photo showing an aspect of hunting other than the harvest and provide a short explanation about why it is meaningful to you. I was inspired to work with wildlife during a sixth-grade field trip when we visited a bird banding station. The commission annually asks people to submit their best photos of wildlife . Cloudy. Photos can include . #GroundhogDay. We work hard to deliver timely, relevant news, for free. Harmony clipped by Portage in District 6 A title game, Large winter storm to spread across region during 1st days of March, Heart attack Harmony : Owls down Wolves on last-second shot by Bracken, Miller's 25 leads Bison to 9th straight 4A title, Planned power outage in Clearfield this week, Curwensville council accepts officer's resignation, Warriors fall to United in D-6 class 2A title game, Local students praise CCCTC for workforce preparation, 14680 Clearfield Shawville Hwy, Clearfield, PA 16830, DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Like ONE photo in the Fall 2022 Hunting Heritage Photo Contest album by Friday, Jan. 13. There was an error processing your request. 5. Email ONE trail cam photo to, with the subject line: " Summer Trail Cam Photo Contest ," by Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022. Bobcat photo wins Pa. Game Commission's trail cam contest However, the outdoor skills and knowledge she gained in her younger life, is ultimately what gave her the edge when leading slaves to freedom in the mid-1800s. The contests are different from one another, but the winners selected in each will receive prizes. Droppings are J-shaped Or use the online entry form and indicate that you're mailing your . Hens may grow a beard, if they do, they are typically pencil thin The photo submitted must belong to the participant, must be taken in Pennsylvania, and must be taken during June, July or August 2022. Use the 2023 PDF photo contest entry form. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.. Pennsylvania Game Commission | PhillyVoice Note that you wont be able to see the files in the folder after you upload them. Add to cart. I was on track for veterinary medicine in college, took up some reptile and amphibian research for some extra credits, and fell in love with biological research. Starting today, send ONE photo entry to by Saturday, December 31, 2022, with your name (that can be publicly displayed), county the photo was taken, and a short description of the photo or what your hunting experience means to you. The annual Elk Expo is held on the grounds of the Elk Country Vistor Center in Benezette each year. The changes to Pennsylvania's hunting rules keep on coming. Participants could win a free trail camera or binoculars and an assortment of Game Commission merchandise! An appalling proposal from the Pennsylvania Game Commission Photo Contest - Visit PAGO | Visit PA Great Outdoors They are about 1/3 shorter than males and weigh half as much (9-12 lbs.) If you are already an subscriber, you can log in here. By February, winter weather can wear on us all and the constant drab scenery can be rather unexciting. The deer looks all white in the photo, but the eyes cant be made out just exactly. Whether you're an amateur or professional . Frank James Cooper, of St. Thomas, Pennsylvania passed away January 9, 2023. Pa. Game Commission seeks public reports on turkeys Read the Progress on your mobile device just as it appears in print. Deadline to apply is Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023! The Pennsylvania Game Commission is sponsoring its Fall 2022 Hunting Heritage Photo Contest and participants who submit a hunting-related photo taken during the months of September, October, November or December 2022, in Pennsylvania, are eligible to win a cellular trail camera and an assortment of Game Commission merchandise. Game Commission staff members will select a group of contending photos in late January and post the submissions in a photo album on Facebook. All rights reserved. Game Commission staff choose a group of entries as Good luck. "Show off your sheds!" The Progress mobile app brings you the latest local breaking news, updates, and more. PA Game Commission - YouTube I felt its heartbeat in my hand. They're not considered particularly dangerous, but they occasionally become the subject of shocking headlines, such as an incident in North Carolina earlier this year when a man grabbed a bobcat off his wife in their driveway and chucked it halfway across their yard. Pa. Game Commission in Somerset files charges in 'thrill killing' of More than 1,100 poaching incidents caught by PA Game Commission - pennlive You can learn more about these feathered friends and other winter resident birds that you may see this time of the year at Photos must be taken in Pennsylvania. This contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by Facebook. The photo and caption with the most likes at the end of the contest will win a prize package. Game Commission map tracks black bear harvest in Pennsylvania FALL 2022 HUNTING HERITAGE PHOTO CONTEST - Pennsylvania Game Commission I got into wildlife biology sort of on accident. Participants were encouraged to submit their best photos of the District's 5 dams in Eastern Pennsylvania: Blue Marsh Lake, Beltzville Dam, Francis E. Water Dam, Prompton Dam, General Edgar Jadwin . Are you on team Six More Weeks of Winter or Early Spring Have fun. Pennsylvania Readies for Another Exciting Deer Season Please enable scripts and reload this page. The winners prize package will include a Pennsylvania Game Commission Wild Game Cookbook, Second Edition, a Pennsylvania Deer Hunting, Through the Pages of Game News book and the winners choice of a framed Wildlife Working Together art print. PhillyVoice Staff, BASE jumpers filmed parachuting off new Rittenhouse luxury high-rise, Philadelphia Photo Arts Center rebrands as TILT Institute for the Contemporary Image, Three Philly restaurants named to New York Times' 2021 'most exciting' restaurant list, Jason Kelce could make a 'Saturday Night Live' cameo with his brother Travis hosting, School District of Philadelphia to relocate Building 21 students following asbestos exposure, Eagles wide receiver Zach Pascal robbed at gunpoint in Maryland, Eli Lilly slashed insulin prices, starting a race to the bottom. Finalists' photos will be posted on online in March with the four entries receiving the most votes winning the following cash prizes: 1 st Place $100, 2 nd Place $75, 3 rd Place $50, and 4 . Ive been excited about tending wild species ever since. - Lisa Williams, Division Chief for Wildlife Recovery and first female in the field from the Pennsylvania Game Commissions Bureau of Wildlife Management. Facebook users will determine the winning photo by liking the images. Submit a photo taken in September, October, November or December 2022 related to your hunt, in Pennsylvania, for a chance to win a cellular trail camera and an assortment of Game Commission merchandise. says the Pennsylvania Game Commission. 51 2 commenti. BUCK HARVEST PHOTO CONTEST. Click herefor contest details. It began the first day of summer. The contest will select monthly winners and, at its conclusion, one overall winner. Winners in 2020 Photo Contest Announced - Pennsylvania Magazine Sign up now for timely, relevant - local, regional, state and national news. The Celts believed the animal was a messenger from the otherworld that symbolized the existence of a realm beyond our own. Upload (copy into the shared folder) your entry photos. Enjoy! 1,234 were here. Now it's YOUR turn to vote! The contest rules are fairly broad, permitting photos of any bird or mammal as long as it was snapped from a trail cam in Pennsylvania. 2017 Big-Buck Trail Cam Contest images may be submitted from Aug. 1 through Nov. 30, 2017. and a listing of the contest winners will appear on in . The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Five friends with big egos and small brains are the proprietors of an Irish pub in Philadelphia. The Bear Cam provides the opportunity to learn what goes on in a den [or under a deck] with a black bear sow and her cubs. A new report by the Pennsylvania Health Care Association reveals that nursing homes are struggling to admit patients due to a severe shortage of staff. Trail cameras will be awarded to winners. Podcast: Is Sixers' prime time game vs. Game Commission may ban the use of rifles during the fall turkey season in Pa. Their bright blue plumage comes from a unique wing structure that reflects and scatters light resulting in a blue appearance. Celebrating 125 Years. He enjoyed hunting with his family. Pa Game Birds. On Monday, after a voting period that began last week, the game commission announced the winner of its 2021 contest. Big hunting changes proposed for PA include more Sunday hunting 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. RACCOON and FOX: Oct. 24 - Feb. 20, 2021, Unlimited. Pennsylvania Game Commission: Share your sheds in photo contest Lots of hunters are in the - Pennsylvania Game Commission | Facebook Include the completed (and saved) PDF with yourentry, Upload to Dropbox or another file sharing service. The Pennsylvania Game Commission's 2021 Trail Cam Photo Contest winner is a resident from Selinsgrove, Snyder County, who submitted a picture of a family of bobcats crossing a road. If you need help, dont hesitate the call the editor at 717-697-4660 oremail to[emailprotected], April 15, 2023(postmark deadline for mailed entries), The deer observed on the trail cam in Washington County looks to be all white, although the eyes are difficult to make out in the photo. The bright red plumage is the male cardinal, while the female is much more subdued, with muted red on her tail, crest, and wings. Pennsylvania Game Commission Louise enjoyed watching Basketball, Football, and TV Westerns, and was also an avid reader of Amish fiction, having read over 2,000 novels. Considerable clouds this evening. S. Dillon will be receiving a cellular trail camera and an assortment of Game Commission merchandise as a prize. Any picture submitted with this contest becomes the property of the Game Commission and may be used for promotional or educational purposes in a manner the Commission deems fit. Learn more about turkey including seasons and bag limits here: Like what you see? Entries will be accepted from Sept. 30-Dec. 31. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is sponsoring its 2022 Summer Trail Cam Photo Contest and participants who submit a trail cam photo taken in June, July or August 2022, in Pennsylvania, are eligible to win a cellular trail camera and an assortment of Game Commission merchandise. The Pennsylvania Game Commission holds an annual summer trail cam photo contest inviting people to submit their best shots of wildlife from across the state. Harrisburg, Pa. It's the final three weeks of the Game Commission's trail camera photo contest, so make sure to submit your entries by the end of the month. Thank you to everyone who entered out contest this year. THANK YOU for participating in this contest, whether you submitted a photo or voted on your favorite one! This year's winner is a photo of a white deer with two other deer in Washington County in early August. Learn more or apply here (Photo by Rob Drieslein) The agency's most recent proposal for certain wildlife management units lacks serious consideration. prizes and rules for the 2022 Photo Contest - Pennsylvania Magazine Managing and protecting wildlife a. A few states even prohibit killing them. Get a jumpstart now with the Game Commission's Elk Cam. Video and sound from the camera are being livestreamed at, and viewers can expect not only to see elk . Please note, that by submitting a photo to this challenge you are giving the Pennsylvania Game Commission permission to use or feature your photo on the agencys social media channels and publications. E-mail the submission to using BTH in the subject line. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. publication. Then complete the form and save it. Whether you found the perfect matching set or just a spike, consider sharing your shed hunting adventures by participating in the Game Commission's 2022 Shed Hunt Photo Contest. The Pennsylvania Chapter of Backcountry Hunters and Anglers joins the National Deer Association in calling for the regulatory oversight of the 723 captive deer shooting facilities to be transferred to the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC).. Our hunting heritage goes beyond the harvest. IT IS LEGAL for individuals to find and retain deer and elk antlers on public land, so long as they were shed through natural causes. The one good. We will send an email to you when we have logged receipt of your images and entry form. Click here to see our subscription options. High 46F. HARRISBURG, PA - Hunters, get your photos in. Every person who enters not only honors their own work, but also helps support the conservation mission of the National Wildlife Federation, which is dedicated to saving wildlife species and their habitats. (you can save your entered data and return to the form later before submitting it). THANK YOU to everyone who shared their special memories and photos for this contest! // February 2, 2021. The 2022 Summer Trail Cam Photo Contest finalists are in! The Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau is pleased to announce our new Fantastic Food Photo Contest that runs December 2022 through February 2023. hUmo"7+xk{TkHS aVdUMP;T=yyfP"za? R #I6Iy I am so proud of her! Learn more and apply online Blue jays are not actually blue! If you have collected your share of antler sheds this year, now's your chance to show them off. Tubman grew up in Maryland, in an area full of marshes, swamps and upland forests. Were recognizing the day by showing special appreciation to the women who play a huge role within the Pennsylvania Game Commission across the state within the science and technology fields. Pennsylvania Game Commission hosting two different contests. Bucks a must-win for Philly? Tom Wolf signed Senate Bill 147 in December of 2019, allowing the Pennsylvania Game Commission to designate three Sundays in 2020 for hunting. Finally, save it onto the USB jump drive or CD/DVD with your entries, or include the entry form as a printout. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. She killed this buck the first day of archery this year. Happy Groundhog Day, PA! Apply NOW through Feb. 16, 2023. Pennsylvania: Game Commission Trail Cam Photo Contest 95 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2A1EB6E33D7ACE44BD9CB1C2E33B24EB>]/Index[75 39]/Info 74 0 R/Length 101/Prev 120666/Root 76 0 R/Size 114/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Students, grades K-12, submit original artwork of any official state fish along with an essay detailing its habitat, behavior and efforts to conserver it. Having a photography contest and then apparently calling upon biologists and game wardens to judge the photos renders the entire. Click Here for rules and prizes for the 2023 Photo Contest. HARRISBURG, PA - Not every ruffed grouse across Pennsylvania is quite the same as the next. The 2021 Trail Cam Photo - Pennsylvania Game Commission | Facebook The pink nose would indicate that it's albino. Facebook users will determine the winning photo by liking the image.