First introduced in the original Star Wars film, it has since appeared in most Star Wars films, with at least one lightsaber duel occurring in each . Although, he is very different from any other lightsaber hilt. 14,487,047, 18,108,808 There were also other promotional lightsabers that were used with varying clamp cards and glass eye modifications that didn't have their side knurling filed down to show the brass as seen in the film, such as some of the purchasable replicas. Luke Skywalker used two sabers, the first (this one) being Anakin's old weapon. Other variants of this saber are the Dagobah version (missing back button) and the Skywaker Ranch display saber that is heavily modified (textured chrom clamp tape and missing the front button). [13] However, most other canonical sources state that construction can take up to a few months, with many more parts needed besides.[2]. You can now get the Qui-Gon Lightsaber Hilt on shopDisney! Published May 5, 2018. Luke Skywalkeruses two lightsabers, the first being his Anakin Skywalker's. Show details. The Sith Lord uses the traditional red crystal. But you can buy sperate empty hilt without blade for futher custom. The design of this hilt is based on the Darth Vader saber from Episode IV, but with much more chrome. Above is the "Hero" version of this hilt, meaning it's the main version in the film and promotional material. You can customize each part individually or get any kit of your choice, including RGB Kit, Xenopixel Kit, or proffie kit. Yoda's lightsaber is the simplest of the canon sabers, which matches both Yoda's small size and reserved personality. from 36.88, from 40.98 Beskar is a material, not an energy source, and how it powers the blade is yet not explained in the series. Since much of the Star Wars Legends narratives are no longer considered canon, Star Wars lightsaber history has gotten alittle more confusing. The emitter (the head of the hilt) was changed to be similar to Obi-Wan's with small holes going around the top and the copper details were changed to brass. Saber Hilts Blue and Purple Lightsaber Hilt Replacement Hilts. Ahsoka Tano filter applied; see all. The canon material used to make his weapon was extremely valuable and the overall design was more an artistic one than a practical one. Both Orders saw the construction of a lightsaber hilt to be one of the primary stages of a being's development within their ranks, mostly signifying that a Padawan or apprentice was ready to ascend to the next level. Turning off the personalized advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. US $425.8 Turn to the Dark Side of the Force with this detailed recreation of Darth Maul's lightsaber hilt fromStar Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Walt Disney World and Disneyland DARTH MAUL Legacy Lightsaber Lightsaber Hilt inspired by Darth Maul . This is a visually modified version of Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber but is canonically the same weapon. It is made of wood and helps the users to keep the lightsaber hidden in the shape of a cane. Condition. A combination handgrip, blade emitter, activator switch and power source, it held within the inner workings of the weapon that allowed it to produce its distinctive energy-based blade. None can be sure either way. Anakin ROTS Force FX (Hasbro/Master Replicas) Lightsaber 3D printed Rear button - Available in different colors! History: Luke built his second lightsaber by following instructions left for him by Obi-Wan. Some lightsabers have bent hilts, helping to improve the design for the . Heres a list, matching the custom saber hilts name to the Star Wars character who (unofficially) inspired the hilt. This hilt has no leaver, has a triangle D-ring, and has illuminated arrows on the side of the activation box. The wise Jedi Master was rarely seen in combat, but his lightsaber was featured in a few duels in the prequel trilogy, including one with Count Dooku and another with Darth Sidious. And yes, some of these will be available on shopDisney too. In the New Jedi Order this restriction was not carried through, and Jedi of that era once again used a wide variety of gemstones that produced different-colored blades.[4]. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. Some are empty hilts and some are installed. After his transition into a Sith Lord, Vader hunted down a Jedi for the kyber crystal he needed when constructing this saber. A combination handgrip, blade emitter, activator switch and power source, it held within the inner workings of the weapon that allowed it to produce its distinctive energy-based blade. This book features the hilts of characters such as Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Kylo Ren, Rey, Ahsoka Tano, and more. Other than the weathering, this hilt uses a Graflex clamp with a circuit board clamp card but has its own unique leaver at the side of the activation box. Within the crystal energy chamber below this lay the focusing crystals, the focusing crystal activator and the primary crystal which was attached to the primary crystal mount and situated between the lightsaber energy gate. Character. Eventually these hilts evolved to only require a small belt-mounted pack, and again to a fully self-contained weapon system; such designs saw service as early as 5000 BBY at the start of the Great Hyperspace War. He enacted the bleeding ritual to turn the crystal red with his dark powers, though it was extremely dangerous and almost resulted in his death. First, use the above cheat to change the Faction World State . This is fan made replica. It is made of Phrik material which is a lightsaber resistant material. It happened thousands of years before Jedi, or the Republic even existed. The choke point on a lightsaber is the thinnest point of the hilt, and is typically where the user's main hand will rest when grasping the weapon. We see it as a perfect weapon, but it was not always like that. 6 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This advanced Builder allows you to customize every aspect of lightsaber as per your needs. Your email address will not be published. All 27 Different Types Of Lightsabers That Have Appeared In Star Wars, The Force Awakens/Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. A lightsaber hilt contained many components, all of which were hand-selected by the Force-user who constructed it and tuned to be in harmony with each other at the completion of the weapon's creation. 4 Included Items With Disney Legacy Lightsabers. Beskar is a, Initially, there was only a standard lightsaber hilt. We saw. Whats remained constant, however, is the importance of a Force wielders lightsaber and the bond between bladeandowner. Can You Change or Unleash Lightsaber Colors in Forced Customization. Simply put, at Zia Sabers we come to work a big fan to have fun and share the fun. If you want to know how to choose a lightsaber hilt, make sure the material of the hilt is durable. So, all the functioning devices and the handle is what we collectively call a lightsaber hilt. Finally, lightsabers have various controls such as power buttons that turn them on and off. or Best Offer. The purple blade typically signifies a Force user who has an understanding of both the light and the dark sides of the Force. Most of the Inquisitors we have seen in the Rebels and Clone Wars series wielded the Double-Bladed spinning lightsaber. from 123.20, from 154.00 An assortment of lightsabers hilts, including: curved-hilt, double-bladed, guard shoto, fiber-cord linked, and others. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Almost all of these Jedi are seen using single-bladed lightsabers with either green or blue kyber crystals and blades. [2] Ideally, the Jedi or Sith who created it would go into deep Meditation, poring over each individual component to be added and thus forging a connection with it through the Force. In the vast majority of Star Wars, lightsaber blades tend to be straight and usually around three . Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. These fun, kid-friendly Lightsabers feature character-inspired hilts and extendable blades that expand for action and adventure with the flick of the wrist! Yes! It is speculated that the green crystal might have originated from Obi-Wan's possession and that it had once been used by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, though has not been confirmed at the time of writing this. Original Price 147.49 You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Even in IV, the tracks often fell off, so black pained screws were used on the various hilts to keep them in place, though these screws weathered to reveal the silver beneath them. Later in her Padawan career, she constructed a shoto that was very similar to her original weapon, except that it has no bunny ears and a lime green/yellow-green blade. 2,263,314, 2,514,793 Great! Since 2019, Disney has released 19 different legacy lightsabers, two of which are actually pairs of two lightsabers. Obi-Wan Kenobi's Blue Lightsaber (The Phantom Menace) Obi-Wan Kenobi has two amazing lightsabers in the Star Wars saga, but his prequel-era weapon is the best. Rancor Master Qui-Gon Jinn used a very simplistic single-bladed lightsaber with a green kyber crystal. Status: The lightsaber was last seen in Lukes possession. In addition to comfort, it allows them to twirl or spin the saber when blocking blaster fire, or picking up momentum for an attack. Before the event of the new Republic, all types of lightsaber hilts had been created and used by thousands of Jedis in the Old Republic. Despite looking different than the one from III, it is canonically the same lightsaber. Ahsoka Tano Legacy LIGHTSABER Hilts - Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge - Limited Edition. From the iconic Skywalker lightsaber to the mysterious Darksaber, there is no shortage of light-based weaponry in the galaxy far, far away. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. They typically utilized the same components of regular lightsaber hilts, however both the hilt itself and the blade it produced were significantly shorter. No attempt to mass-produce lightsabers ever succeeded. Custom or character hilt for birthday gift. The design takes many influences from Anakin's weapon. FOLLOW ME!- INSTAGRAM - Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. GUNGI LIGHTSABER. The first lightsaber hilt was created with the invention of the lightsaber itself. (25% off), Sale Price from 150.00 . DIYSaberParts. If lite RPG systems are not enough for you, check out Knights of the Old Republic. Each lightsaber has a slightly different design and several have unique functions. Darksaber/Legends. Over the thousands of years that followed, power technology and indeed the construction of lightsaber hilts continued to evolve, eventually encompassing shotos, shorter hilts used in the off-hand, as well as double-bladed, curved-hilt, and dual-phase designs. These parts function combined to emit a plasma blade, commonly known as a lightsaber blade. Lightsaber hilts were the basic, all-encompassing part of a lightsaber. This is a traditional type of lightsaber hilt with the shape of medieval age swords and axes. The Jedi Order had already come into existence when they created the first, The hilt of the Darksaber is made of pure Beskar material. The set is priced at $375.00, and you can grab it right now online! Lowbacca's lightsaber. Ajunta Pall's lightsaber. .. This type of data sharing may be considered a sale of information under California privacy laws. 103. Similar to Maul's weapon, Asajj Ventress (a character exclusive to The Clone Wars animated series) wielded a curved-hilt, paired lightsaber. Additionally, in many shots, the lightsabers are iconic hilts and ones used by other Jedi in the films. The hilts are designed for comfortable grips of the Jedis as they must be able to use them comfortably. There is also an engraving on the blade's activation button that reads "BMF" but there are no known pictures of this engraving. It works like a standard hilt but is more graceful. There are 15 types of lightsaber hilts. At this point, they did not know about the Kyber crystals. A cane lightsaber hilt looks just like a cane. D23 Expo 2022 will introduce a new Limited Edition Obi-Wan Kenobi Legacy Lightsaber Set that features the 3 hilts used by Jedi Master. Grievous took his lightsabers from the many Jedi he has killed. Lightsaber hilts appear, either directly or indirectly, in every work within the Star Wars library that also features lightsabers themselves. The lightsaber is powered by a synthetic crystal that Luke made himself, instead of the traditionally used and naturally occurring kyber crystal. The hilt itself is primarily made from an MPP camera flash. This version of the hilt underwent the most changes. You can also use it for aggression. Genre: Science Fiction & Horror. After losing it during his battle against Darth Maul, Obi-Wan constructed a second lightsaber that he used until just before the Battle of Geonosis where it was confiscated from him. Like the IV version, this hilt is primarily made from an MPP flashgun. Some simply change the hilt, though some will have a different overall feel . Please contact me with additions and corrections.UPDATED: 2/26/2020, RELATED LIGHTSABER SELLERS affiliate linksIf you purchase an item through these links, I receive some money at no cost to you.ETSY LightsabersAMAZON LightsabersEBAY LightsabersKYBERLIGHT Lightsabers, ADI GALLIA LIGHTSABER (also Shaak Ti)Adamant Saberforge, ANAKIN SKYWALKER (Episode II)AS2 KorbanthTusken Slayer Wattos Junkyard [2018 limited run], AHSOKA TANO LIGHTSABERKa TanoSaberforgePhoenix SaberforgeSnips Solos Hold, ASAJJ VENTRESS LIGHTSABERForce Witch Solos HoldPariah V2 Wattos Junkyard [2018 limited run], BARRIS OFFEEKR X OR Barriss Offee DIY Empty Hilt KR Sabers/One Replicas, BEN SOLO LIGHTSABERThe Light Phoenix PropsTranscendence Dark Force Custom Sabers, COUNT DOOKUThe Count SaberforgeThe Count Ultimate WorksThe Lord Ultimate Works, CORRAN HORN LIGTHSABERCorran Horn Custom Lightsaber Lux SabersCorran Horn Inspired Saber Starfall SabersCorran Horn Limited Edition MaverickSolos HoldEmerald Knight Saberforge, DARTH MAUL LIGHTSABERDM1 double ended saber KorbanthMauler SaberforgeMenace SE or CE UltrasabersYddmaul saber Darth Maul double blade YDD SaberDARTH MAUL LIGHTSABER (from Solo/Rebels)Crimson Lord LukyanovDMS Korbanth, DARTH NIHILUS LIGHTSABERNihilistSaberforgeUnicron Wonder Force, DARTH VADER LIGHTSABERDV6 KorbanthChosen One SE or CE UltrasabersMPP 2.0 Korbanth, DARTH VADER LIGHTSABER (Episode III)Sith Lord V3 Arm on Fire Custom Sabers [limited run], EXAR KUN LIGHTSABERDominicide UltrasabersVengeance Saberforge [discontinued in 2018], EZRA BRIDGER LIGHTSABERRebel Orphan Solos Hold [limited run], EZRA BRIDGER LIGHTSABER BLASTERSpectre Six Phoenix Props/Wattos Junkyard, GUNGI LIGHTSABERGungi Jawas Junkyard[2018 limited run], IMPERIAL KNIGHTImperial Knight Phoenix Props/7 Chambers, JACEN SOLO LIGHTSABERBig BoySaberkraft [out of production], KANAN JARRUS LIGHTSABERBlind Knight Solos Hold[limited run]Kanan Jarrus Inspired Lightsaber Hilt SaltLakeSaberCoRebel SaberforgeKI-ADI-MUNDI LIGHTSABERVigilant Saberforge [out of production, except through ASP parts], KIT FISTO LIGHTSABERKR X OR Kit Fisto DIY Empty HiltKR Sabers/One Replicas[2017 limited run], KYLE KATARN LIGHTSABERDF2 Katarn QR LDM Custom SabersKatarn V1 Korbanth, KYLO REN LIGHTSABERCrossguard 2.0 KorbanthTemplar SaberforgeV2 Crossguard Phoenix Props, LEIA LIGHTSABERPrincess Saberforge[discontinued in 2018], LUKE SKYWALKER ROTJ LIGHTSABERBalance V4 Roman PropsL6 Gullwing Saber KorbanthProdigal Son Saberforge, LUKE SKYWALKER TLJ LIGHTSABERCreepy Uncle Lukyanov, MACE WINDU LIGHTSABERElectrum Wind Ultrasabers, MARA JADE LIGHTSABEREmperors Hand UltrasabersJade Fire SaberforgeMJV2 Roman Props, OBI-WAN KENOBI LIGHTSABER (Episode I and II) Avenger SaberforgeGuardian UltrasabersOWK SaberKorbanthOWP Ultimate WorksSSOb Super Stunt One Replicas [slimmed down], OBI-WAN KENOBI LIGHTSABER (Episode III and Episode IV) K4 Saber KorbanthRedeemer Saberforge, OBI-WAN KENOBI LIGHTSABER (Jedi Apprentice books artwork) Obi Wan Apprentice Saber Kit Force Relics, ORGUS DIN LIGHTSABEROdins Wrath Jawas Junkyard [2019 limited run], QUI-GON JINN LIGHTSABERConsular UltrasabersGuardian SaberforgeMasterQ Ultimate WorksQG saber hilt 89 SabersSSQy CANON Super Stunt-Saber empty hilt [SLIMMED DOWN] One Replicas, RAHM KOTA LIGHTSABERDissident SaberforgeInfinity Kota Starfall SabersKota Force RelicsRahm Kota Inspired Lightsaber SaltLakeSaberCo, REVAN LIGHTSABERButcher UltrasabersFallen SaberforgeKotoRevan 2.0 LDM Custom SabersThe Revanchist Vaders VaultRevenge WarSabersREV-N Vaders VaultSavior Ultrasabers, BASTILLA SHAN LIGHTSABERBastille Saberforge [discontinued in 2019], SATILE SHAN LIGHTSABERGrand Master UltrasabersGrandmaster Saberforge, SAVAGE OPRESS LIGHTSABERNightbrother Wattos Junkyard [2018 limited run], SHAAK TI LIGHTSABER (also Adi Gallia)Adamant Saberforge, SKYWALKER LIGHTSABER(Anakin, Luke, Rey lightsaber)Graflex 3.0 KorbanthGraflex Hilts 89 SabersGraflex SE or CE UltrasabersLow Ground [slimmed down; 2018 limited run] Wonderful SabersSkinnyflex Korbanth, STARKILLER LIGHTSABERReliant SaberforgeStarkiller TFU1 Phoenix Props/7 ChambersSunkiller The Pach StoreTFU2 Solos Hold [limited run; sold out], VAYLIN LIGHTSABEROld-V Jawas Junkyard [2019 limited run], YODAY3 Saber KorbanthYoda Lightsaber Lux Sabers.