Section F, Lot 28 Todd, Levi (1756-1807) Gratz, Benjamin (1792-1884) Concerned for the political and economic equality of women, she associated with the Womans Trade Union League where she helped organize garment workers strikes in 1911 and 1915. She was one of the first women to join the N.A.A.C.P. Underwood, Thomas R. (1898-1956) Mrs. Clay raised their large family, paid for the education of six children, managed her husbands farm, enlarged his mansion White Hall, and paid his debts. Section 45, Lot 64 Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. It was attended by the best people in Fayette County and among them were 1,000 women who loudly made their feelings known. In the first 50 years of service, they delivered 12,262 babies with a maternal death rate of 9.1 per thousand, while the national mortality rate for white women in childbirth was 34 per thousand. Nelson County, In 1781, the citizens of Fayette County elected the first Board of Trustees of five men. Section D, Lot 18 All along the 1,200 mile route, people gathered to salute The Great Compromiser. In Lexington, Clay lay in state at his home, Ashland, and it is said that when his funeral cortege was entering The Lexington Cemetery gates, the end of the procession of mourners was just leaving Ashland, more than two miles away. He held the position of interim president with such distinction that the board of trustees designated him the seventh president of the university. The court awarded Pollard $15,000 in damages, then Colonel Breckinridge announced his candidacy for a sixth consecutive term in Congress immediately thereafter. Section D, Lot 3 Although he never was a resident of Lexington, Ben Ali Haggin was noted in the Lexington community as a painter of society women and thoroughbred horses, as well as a designer of theatrical sets and tableaux in New York. He and his wife, Mary Morton, a daughter of Lord William Mortan, lie in unmarked graves. Found more than one record for entered Email, You need to confirm this account before you can sign in. It quickly became the most important crop in the area bringing in an estimated half million dollars a year in the early 1800s. Hey Everyone! There is a problem with your email/password. Special characters are not allowed. An Indiana newspaperman, Holman Hamilton became a distinguished and popular member of the University of Kentucky history faculty. Section S, Lot Noe was the author of seven volumes of verse and many contributions to periodicals. Breckinridge, Colonel William Cabell Preston (1837-1904) On May 22, 1872, the Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce and Navigation was signed establishing diplomatic and trade relations between the United States and Korea. Tours & Events Locate a Loved One Contact Us A past president of Keeneland Race Course in 1940 and the Keeneland Association in 1956, Louis Lee Haggin II was also the chairman of the board of the association from 1970 to his death in 1980. During most of the Civil War he was Morgans second in command, and after the latters death he became a commanding general of a cavalry brigade. Breckinridge, General John Cabell (1821-1875) A graduate of Hanover College, he was principal of Transylvania High School during the Civil War years and then taught at Kentucky (Transylvania) University until 1869, when he was named president of the Agricultural and Mechanical College. When Lexington was incorporated in 1832, Charlton Hunt was named mayor. Returning to Lexington, he was popular and busy as a portraitist until his eyesight began to fail about 1850. Clay, Henry (1777-1852) Migrating to Lexington from Virginia, King Solomon was the town drunk who now and then did odd jobs such as digging ditches. The buildings were called rope walks because the slaves walked back and forth from spindles, twisting the hemp fiber into rope as they walked. Bruce, Benjamin Gratz (1827-1891) Buford, Abraham (1820-1884) Burrows, Nathan (1774-1841) Bush, Joseph H. (1794-1865) Carty, Sr., John (1764-1845) Clay, Henry (1777-1852) Clay, James B. The horseback angels traveled within 700 square miles around their Hyden hospital in Leslie County. Jefferson County, The Greatest Actors & Actresses in Entertainment History, The Greatest Guest Appearances in The Simpsons History. It is thought by many that Mary Bar Clays greatest contribution to the womens movement was her introduction of her sister, Laura Clay, to the cause. Noe, James Thomas Cotton (1864-1953) A reconteur of rare talent, his recorded speech on Cassius M. Clay is regarded as a classic. DeSha, Mary (1850-1911) Search above to list available cemeteries. Within its gates lie people of different political, economic and social standing, race, and religion. Kirwan, Albert D. (1904-1971) His obituary in the Lexington Herald-Leader stated that he had held an exalted place in the esteem of Lexingtons citizenry. Rupp, Coach Adolph (1901-1977) A relative of Nathan Burrows, the inventor of a machine that cleaned hemp, Samuel D. McCullough operated a mustard factory in Lexington. In 1861, he married Henrietta Morgan, a sister of John Hunt Morgan. Combs, General Leslie (1793-1881) Buried in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. It is located at 833 West Main Street in Lexington, Kentucky 40508. Dudley, Dr. Benjamin Winslow (1785-1870) A talented artist and author, Katherine Helm was a daughter of Confederate General Ben Hardin Helm and Emilie Todd Helm, a half-sister to Mary Todd Lincoln. Retiring in 1934, he moved to California. USA. Buried in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Section P, Lot 74 Distinguished as an administrator and scholar, he was elected president of numerous state, regional, and national education associations and was active in local affairs. With the importation of sisal from the Philippines after the Spanish American War, the hemp industry died. Here you will walk among the early remains of many of the town's founding settlers and families, each enshrined with headstones or monuments of various shapes and sizes. Lexington Cemetery is a private, non-profit 170-acre (69 ha) rural cemetery and arboretum located at 833 W. Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky.. Resend Activation Email. We have set your language to This browser does not support getting your location. A Kentucky senator from Fayette County, Robert S. Todd was the father of Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln. The Lexington Cemetery is open from 8 a.m . Lexington Cemetery is a private, non-profit 170-acre (69ha) rural cemetery and arboretum located at 833 W. Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky. David Austin Sayre is one of Lexingtons best examples of a poor boy who found fame and fortune. Actress, Singer. Dudley performed over 200 lithotomies, an operation for the removal of bladder-stones, with only six fatalities, and was among the first neurosurgeons in the United States to work in trephining. He died at Santa Fe while commanding the District of New Mexico. Section C-1 When he arrived in Lexington to campaign in May, 1894, Laura Clay had organized an anti- Breckinridge rally at the Opera House. 520 Bedford St Lexington, MA 01730 (781) 861-2718 Click to show location on map Zoom About Lexington Cemetery Department The caring staff at Lexington Cemetery Department provide calm and well-maintained grounds made to meet the needs of every single family and to commemorate the lives of people buried around the grounds. A prospector in the west, Roger D. Williams was founder and president of the Lexington Engine and Boiler Works. A brother to Vice President Richard Mentor Johnson and a graduate of Transylvania University, John Telemachus Johnson was an aid to General William Henry Harrison in the War of 1812, and served in the Kentucky and U.S. House of Representatives. In 1878, it became an independent state institution that evolved into the University of Kentucky, and he remained as president until his resignation in 1910. Found more than one record for entered Email, You need to confirm this account before you can sign in. Without the ability to cast a single vote, the women defeated him. Providing us your request in advance will enable our cemetery staff to research and prepare information so it will be ready at our front office upon your arrival. Musician. This brilliant southern gentleman graduated from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky in 1839 and studied law at Transylvania. William King Solomon remained to dig the graves, an act which earned him the lasting respect of the town. Champion Racehorse. Your account has been locked for 30 minutes due to too many failed sign in attempts. Born in Pennsylvania, the sixth of Frankfort, USA. USA. Section 45, Lot 754 Lexington National Cemetery Circular burial area at Lexington National Cemetery. Today I journey to Lexington Cemetery in Kentucky to visit the famous graves of notable people buried in Lexington. He moved to Lexington in 1871 and soon established Fairlawn Farm at the north end of Broadway, which became a leading thoroughbred and harness horse establishment. His most popular work was Flute and Violin and Other Kentucky Tales and Romances, published in 1891. For many years, he was treasurer of the Phoenix Hotel. Section O, Lot 136 Before her marriage to Dr. Frank McVey in 1923, Frances Jewell McVey was dean of women at the University of Kentucky, and she was a gracious first lady at Maxwell Place until her husbands retirement from the presidency. Cemeteries in Lexington, undefined, a Find a Grave. Arriving in Lexington in 1797, Clay was seeking his fortune as a lawyer in a place known for many land disputes. She is probably best remembered for her 1951 Maysville, They also sent a letter to Col. Breckinridges wife asking her, in the name of womanhood, to renounce her husband and refuse to live with him. After two terms in the Kentucky House of Representatives, he was twice elected attorney general (in 1959 and 1967) and then became the sixth Kentucky Breckinridge to sit in the U.S. Congress (1973-1979). McChord, James (1785-1820) He was a lawyer, soldier, editor, and statesman, known as the silver-tongued orator of Kentucky. His downfall was the publicity he received from a breach of promise suit brought in 1894 by Madeline Pollard against him. A native of Scotland, Patterson moved to Indiana with his family when he was nine years old. Interment will be in St. Ann's Catholic Cemetery in Lexington. Section D, Lot 116 Section D, Lot 91 Todd, Robert S. (1790-1849) Mary Jane Warfield Clay was the wife of hot-headed abolitionist Cassius Marcellus Clay, Ambassador to Russia. Section C, Lot 17 Section I, Lot 55 The Suffragettes were aroused and publicly opposed him. Kentucky, Oldham County, Visitation Hours: Open daily from dawn to dusk. Maps, Driving Directions & Local Area Information Popular Local Resources Hotels Near Lexington Cemetery Nearby Cities Nearby Neighborhoods Nearby Features The National Christian League for the Promotion of Social Purity sent a letter to Congress in protest. In September, 1861, when President Abraham Lincoln sent troops into Lexington and the Union flag was raised, the Confederate troop was led by Colonel Roger Weightman Hanson. Clay, Mary Barr (1839 1924) Please reset your password. Please complete the captcha to let us know you are a real person. Confederate war generals, statesmen, basketball coaches, etc. McCullough, Samuel D. (1803-1873) Kentucky, The administrative office is located at Camp Nelson National Cemetery Nicholasville, KY, and is open Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm, and is closed on all Federal holidays. Townsend, William H. (1890-1964) Ever Faithful.. With reliefs of ships and eagles, the monument traces the career of the young officer. He was acting president of the university in 1940 to 1941, and served in many state and national organizations. He was dubbed "The Wicked. Postlethwait, John (1769-1833) Please contact Find a Grave at [emailprotected] if you need help resetting your password. Lexington Cemetery 4.5 344 #9 of 104 things to do in Lexington Cemeteries Open now 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Visit website Call Email Write a review About Established in 1824, this is considered one of America's most beautifully landscaped cemeteries. Kentucky, Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. Beauchamp, Frances E. (1857-1923) Section J, Lot 52 Section P, Lot 71 Duke, Basil Wilson (1838-1916) Please try again later. Gray, J. Archer (1878-1946) He served for thirty years in the Kentucky National Guard and commanded the troops in Frankfort after the shooting of Governor Goebel. Please contact our office at 859-255-5522 at least 2-3 business days prior to your visit. Section O, Lot 151 Owner of Shenandoah Hall on the Bryan Station Pike. It was front- page news nationwide for six weeks. Despite a brief racing career as a two-year and then a Lexington, Williams, General Roger D. (1856-1925) She often waited for hours to give a drink of lemonade to one of her boys. Hall of Fame Professional Boxer, Olympic Games Gold Medalist Secretariat - 9th Triple Crown Winner. In 1971, he was chosen the Jockey Clubs Man of the Year. He was a great-grandson of James Ben Ali Haggin of Elmendorf Farm. From 1835 until his death he was an officer of the Northern Bank of Kentucky, serving the last six years as president. In addition to operating his own horse farm, he was an officer of the Thoroughbred Racing Association, Jockey Club, Thoroughbred Breeders of Kentucky, National Museum of Racing, and Grayson Foundation for Equine Research. He appeared in musicals, westerns, comedies, historical Bluegrass Musician. Section O, Lot 134 Racehorse. Progressive web application for Lexington Cemetery. He came to the University of Kentucky in 1906 as an instructor in the old normal school and advanced to head of the College of Education. Moving to Lexington from Baltimore with his parents at the age of five, James McChord was educated at Transylvania, studied law with Henry Clay, and attended theological seminary in New York. and "Which celebrities are buried in Lexington Cemetery? This account has been disabled. Considered by many as the "Father of American Rosine, Section P, Lot 57 To use this feature, use a newer browser. Katherines portrait of Mrs. Lincoln hangs in the White House. The email does not appear to be a valid email address. Rancks History of Lexington, he and Waldemard Mentelle introduced into Kentucky the manufacture of earthen ware.. USA. Fayette County, Hanson, Colonel Roger Weightman (1827-1863) cemeteries found in will be saved to your photo volunteer list. Later he was taken prisoner by the Indians and was forced to run the gauntlet at Fort Miami. Copyright 2023 | webCemeteries | All Rights Reserved, Breckinridge, Col. William Cabell Preston (1837-1904), Breckinridge, Dr. Sophonisba Preston (1866-1948), Breckinridge, General John Cabell (1821-1875), Hanson, Colonel Roger Weightman (1827-1863), Markey, Lucille Parker Wright (1896-1982), Varney, James (Jim) Albert Jr. (1949-2000). Brown passes at age 88",, John Winston Coleman Jr. (18981983) historian, author. In the spring of 1779, he helped build the first blockhouse on the corner of what is today Main and Mill Streets. Section G, Lot 1 Although their mother had not only maintained his property but improved their fathers financial situation, she was not legally entitled to any recompense, nor did she have any legal right to the custody of the children. Section K, Lot 9 Please enter your email address and we will send you an email with a reset password code. A graduate of West Point and veteran of the Mexican War, Abraham Buford was commissioned brigadier general of cavalry in the Confederate Army. Among their children was Henry Timberlake Duncan, Jr, who became an attorney, newspaper editor and twice mayor of Lexington. The Lexington Cemetery Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, USA Jim Beam 25 Aug 1864 - 27 Dec 1947 Business Magnate. He served in the Spanish-American War in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. He is also remembered for his three unsuccessful quests for the presidency. Bush, Joseph H. (1794-1865) Please enter your email and password to sign in. Search above to list available cemeteries. Kentucky, Section 16, Lot 15 A graduate of the University of Kentucky, John Bayne Breckinridge attained the rank of colonel in World War II, worked with the Justice Department in Washington, and practiced law in Lexington before he entered the political arena. A renowned 19th Century novelist, James Lane Allen taught school for several years after his graduation from Transylvania University and prior to becoming an author. A monument bearing the DAR seal was dedicated at her grave on December 16, 1915. Receiving his early education Lexington, he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania medical department at the age of 19. Section O, Lot 126 A New Jersey native, John Carty, Sr. fought in the Revolutionary War prior to moving to Lexington. Section I, Lot 45 Marshal Beard was buried with a great ceremony in The Lexington Cemetery. This account already exists, but the email address still needs to be confirmed. Piatt, Thomas (1877-1965) Please enter your email and password to sign in. After serving six years in the Revolutionary War, Colonel James Morrison came to Kentucky to establish himself as a merchant and a landholder. It is closed to new interments. Clay, Mary Jane Warfield (1815-1900) Section F, Lot 28 After the War of 1812, he settled in Lexington to practice law. Patterson, James K. (1833-1922) From 1822 to 1841 and 1843 to 1850, Mr. Ficklin was postmaster of Lexington. A comic figure, his best remembered role was 'Ernest P. World War II United States Marine, Iwo Jima Flag Raiser. It was originally 40 acres but has expanded to 170 acres[2] with more than 64,000 interments. Carty, Sr., John (1764-1845) There is a problem with your email/password. Born in Bavaria, Moses Kaufman came to Lexington in 1869, and was founder of the firm which became Kaufman Clothing Company. With no home, they were to be known as the Orphans Brigade. Kentucky, Duncan, George Brand (1861-1950) Pike County, What became Lexington National Cemetery was established in 1861 to inter American Civil War casualties. Later he acquired immense wealth and became one of Lexingtons leading philanthropists. Section 42 He turned the family bourbon business into an. Burrows, Nathan (1774-1841) Try again. A government marker was dedicated at his grave by the United Daughters of the Confederacy in 1977. He practiced law in Lexington, served in the Kentucky Legislature, and became state superintendent of public instruction. He was a founder of the Kentucky Civil War Round Table in 1953 and its president until his death, chairman of the Kentucky Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission and member of the national commission, a trustee of Lincoln Memorial University, and a long-time director of the Lexington Public Library. His statue stands in Cheapside Park. Daughter of William Cabell Preston Breckinridge, Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge studied law at the University of Kentucky and became the first woman admitted to the Kentucky Bar Association. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. Stoll was president of the Lexington Water Company from 1907 to 1926 and of the Phoenix Hotel Company and First National Bank. Section I, Lot 63 He was president of the Breeders Sales Company and a director of Keeneland Association; and in 1949 he was recognized by the Thoroughbred Club at its annual testimonial dinner for his kindliness, sportsmanship, and character. Hemp was needed for bagging cotton and making baling rope. Aunt Charlotte, a free Negro vendor of homemade cakes and pies, purchased him for 18 cents. Whether you're looking for a devilish daytime trip, or you're just a headstone history buff, this list of 20 noteworthy graves is for you. From 1931 to 1940 he presided over Fayette Circuit Court. Born in 1726, Thomas Meason (Section 1, Grave 297-B) is the oldest person buried at Arlington National Cemetery, based on birth year. The house is believed to be haunted by the old Negro nurse, Bouviette, who was called Aunt Betty by the Morgan Children. They met repeatedly in Danville framing and reframing Kentuckys constitution. Resend Activation Email, Please check the I'm not a robot checkbox, If you want to be a Photo Volunteer you must enter a ZIP Code or select your location on the map. Activating the following button will add more search options to the page. For more information, visit their web site at or visit their FaceBook page at The Lexington Cemetery maintains a list of notable interments,[3] others are listed here: Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}380340N 843032W / 38.061N 84.509W / 38.061; -84.509, Lexington Cemetery and Henry Clay Monument, Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 14:38, U.S. National Register of Historic Places, Confederate Soldier Monument in Lexington, National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, List of botanical gardens in the United States, "Lexington Cemetery & Cremation | Notable People", "Memorial service held for former Ky. Gov. When her husband returned from almost nine years in Russia, he brought with him the scandal of his philandering abroad and ultimately proof of his adultery: an illegitimate son. Miltons tombstone reads Kentuckys two greatest inventors. In addition to being an inventor, Milton was chief of ordnance to Confederate Generals Abraham Buford and John H. Morgan. He was author of a History of Morgans Cavalry and a volume of Reminiscences. William Barker was unceremoniously buried in a potters field. After serving as a major of the Third Regiment in the Mexican War, he served in the Kentucky Legislature and the U.S. Senate. After inheriting Calumet Farm from her first husband, Warren Wright, Lucille Parker Wright Markey continued its operation as a leading thoroughbred establishment. He compiled the first two volumes of the American Stud Book and then established The Livestock Record in Lexington. In 1848, he married Jane Thronton, a stepdaughter of Kentucky Governor James Clark. Helm, Katherine (1857-1937) cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. He was land commissioner, state representative, and supervisor to the state representative, and supervisor of the revenue under President John Adams. Famous gravesites will include Jim Varney. Jim Varney is best known for his broadly comedic role as Ernest P. Worrell, appearing in numerous television commercial advertising campaigns and films and for which he won a Daytime Emmy Award. Section D, Lot 105 Section W, Lot 2 As coach of the University of Kentucky basketball team for forty-two years, Coach Adolph Rupp led the Wildcats to four NCAA titles. Additionally, he was the first president of the Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical Association. The grounds and walking paths are well maintained, with many areas shaded by ancient trees and shrubs. Translation on Find a Grave is an ongoing project. Your account has been locked for 30 minutes due to too many failed sign in attempts. For two months, he labored every day burying the dead and sleeping in the pioneer graveyard at night. Section 46, Lot 4 The cemetery is open to the public from 8:00am to 5:00pm year round with self-guided tours. In spring, an avenue of dogwoods, color crab apples, ornamental magnolias and pink weeping cherries lead to 16,000 blooming tulips and fields of spring beauties. Walking barefoot from Maysville, Sayre arrived in Lexington in 1811 with no money. Section G, Lot 1 Eventually Sayre became a banker and earned his fortune. He is remembered for his philanthropy, including the donation in 1854 of the building and grounds for Sayre Female Institution, which is a preparatory school today. Section D, Lot 120 During the war, Breckinridge was Lincolns advisor in Kentucky. Weve updated the security on the site. He was a town trustee in 1794, and in 1827 was chairman of the Board of Trustees. LEXINGTON CEMETERY - 102 Photos & 12 Reviews - Funeral Services & Cemeteries - 833 W Main St, Lexington, KY - Phone Number - Yelp Lexington Cemetery 12 reviews Unclaimed Funeral Services & Cemeteries Closed 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tender Heart Pet Memorial Frequently Asked Questions about Lexington Cemetery How is Lexington Cemetery rated? Solomon was not afraid of contracting the plague, and he remained. Famous Graves - Henry Clay. He retired in 1925. Morgan, General John Hunt (1825-1864) Among his accomplishments were the acquisition for the United States of Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, the admission of Missouri to the Union, and the annexation of the Republic of Texas. Section O, Lot 126 The cemetery is located on the north side of W. Main Street (US 421) from Price Road to about 0.1 miles west of Newtown Pike (US 25). Until this time, catching the baby by the father or a neighbor while the mother delivered it from a squatting position or seated in a chair without a bottom had been the standard birthing procedure. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. Resend Activation Email, Please check the I'm not a robot checkbox, If you want to be a Photo Volunteer you must enter a ZIP Code or select your location on the map. For a time he was stationed in Lexington with headquarters at the Bodley House. Having moved to America from Scotland in 1838, then to Lexington in 1843, James Burnie Beck graduated from Transylvania University and began to practice law. Markey, Lucille Parker Wright (1896-1982) After the war he practiced law, served in both houses of Congress, and was a promoter of Tulane University. Sweeney, Mary E. (1879-1968) If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. based on information from your browser. He was postmaster at Russellville. An active participant in campus affairs, she was a trustee of Vassar College, a member of the Lexington Board of Education, the National YWCA board, the Frontier Nursing Service, and a charter member of the Lexington Junior League and the Business and Professional Womens Club. McKee, Lt. Hugh (1844-1871) Having become involved with intercity motorbus transportation in its infancy in the early 1920s, Guy A. Huguelet was instrumental in transforming the primitive, short-haul companies into the Southeastern Geyhound Lines, of which he was president. Son of Solomon Van Meter. Fleming County, If you're ever visiting Lexington Cemetery and want to check out historic graves, then use this list to pinpoint exactly which burial locations you want to see. Section D, Lot 121 Died on 14 Mar 1923. Mr. King died shortly before the system began operation. Baker was forced to stand at the window while the noose was placed over his head, then he was pushed out of the window. A hero known as the boy-captain of 1812, at the age of 19 Leslie Combs rode 100 miles through snow, water and wilderness to deliver a war dispatch. He was dubbed The Wicked American Folk Figure. Barlow, Milton (1818-1891) The cemetery was established in 1849. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Headley, Hal Price (1888-1962) A native of Lexington, Mary E. Sweeney became known internationally as an authority on home economics and child care. Allen, James Lane (1849-1925) Rather than any one style, McMurtrys work provided a cross-section of 19th century architecture. Lexington National Cemetery is a United States National Cemetery located in the city of Lexington, Kentucky. The cemetery has more than 400,000 graves, including those of President William Howard Taft, President John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, General of the Armies John J. Pershing, and former astronaut and U.S.