If anyone chats you up regarding this, He/She is a SCAMMER. Koinonia DOES NOT operate any official WhatsApp group for now. Do you still have some other questions about Koinonia Abuja? Required fields are marked *. We are an Intentional Christian community with a rich history from the Jordans and the Englands founding the farm, to the bullets, bombs, and boycotts of the mid century, to launching the Partnership Housing Movement that became Habitat for Humanity, and the birthing of many, many other projects. KOINONIA is a weekly programme organised by the Eternity Network International (ENI) where people come to experience WORSHIP, WORD, MIRACLES AND LOVE, experience true intimacy with the Holy Spirit and learn to be with Him, be like Him and represent Him. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Reveal the wealth of the kingdom and finance Gods end-time agenda. Koinonia House does not necessarily agree with all of the information on the following websites, nor necessarily endorse or support the specific ministries listed. The Inconvenient Gospel Reviews & Resources. Latest Apostle Joshua Selman Messages & Sermons 2020. Eternity Network International (ENI) Koinonia Global YOUTUBE Subscribe to this podcast to receive an update of the latest sermons. Dec 31, 2022 Precious Saints, The Lord has declared 2023 to be for us "The Year of OPEN DOORS." According to His Word thus written; "Lift up your heads, O ye gates; And be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; And the King of glory shall come in." Psalm 24:7 KJV . Designed and maintained by Lowthian Design Works. Bank Deposit b. Online Payment. by koinoniaglobal Read more 1 2 Abuja Chamber of Commerce & Industry, KM 8 Umaru Musa Yar'adua Way, Airport Road, Lugbe, Abuja - Nigeria. apostle joshua selman quotes, sermons, prayer, pictures, mentor, contact details, 2020. www.facebook.com/koinonia eternity network international. At KI, we delve into the relevance and reliability of Scripture, including prophetic insight both past and present. Apostle Selmans teachings has blessed my life tremendously. For more sermons, visit https://downloadsermon.com/koinoniaeniThis podcast is curated by the team at downloadsermon.com.To support us, donate here - https://paystack.com/pay/dsdonationKOINONIA is a weekly programme organised by the Eternity Network International (ENI) where people come to experience WORSHIP, WORD, MIRACLES AND LOVE, experience true intimacy with the Holy Spirit and learn to be with Him, be like Him and represent Him. Apostle Joshua Selman youre really a blessing to many, from the time Ive been listening to your preaching, it has been a blessing to me. Spring, Summer, and Fall terms available. Im Samuel. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Read Now: 10 Important Things You Need to Know About Remnant Christian Network (RCN) Global >>. KOINONIA is a weekly programme organised by the Eternity Network International where people come to. Lets get startedvar cid='6768099735';var pid='ca-pub-6217669054763476';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-naijasermons_com_ng-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.style.maxHeight=container.style.minHeight+'px';container.style.maxWidth=container.style.minWidth+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); Eternity Network International (ENI), also known as Koinonia Global is an impactful and life-changing ministry that has transformed many lives, both the old and the young. You can reach the ministry via the following hotlines: Relatedapostle joshua selman quotes, sermons, prayer, pictures, mentor, contact details, 2020,eternity network international 2020,www.facebook.com/koinonia eternity network international,where is eternity network international located,where is Koinonia church located?,Who is Joshua Selman?,Is Selman married?,Koinonia services,Koinonia building,Koinonia global apostle joshua selman. thanks for all your efforts. Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian for ministry in todays world. Since our founding in 1942, we have welcomed and shared with anyone and everyone regardless of race, religion, no religion, background or anything else that divides people. hello apostleI am Pierre yves CHaubo pastor of a church in France in the Paris region, I do not know if this message will be transmitted to you, I would simply like to amplify my consecration with the Lord, I would like you to be able to pray for me, I am ready for the future even for 5 minutes, I keep listening to you give me five minutes, May the lord of the universe be by your side. . I need deleverence. On this webpage, you will find all the ministry's messages till date, history, full address, social media handles, and many other things. Thank you. [1][2] Their Latin-infused rhythms and upbeat melodies gave them a distinct and cultured sound. Koinonia is blessed with a very wonderful worship team, and they have released lots of worship songs and chants that will surely bless you when you listen to them.This includes but not limited to: As earlier stated, Koinonia ENI runs a School of Ministry, where young people are tutored on Leadership, Word ministration, Politics, Self-discovery, Finance, Personal Transformation, to name but a few. The programme lasts for just six months, and the schedule is very flexible, meaning you can opt in for it even if you already have some things youre engaged with. Please I beg that this be shown to apostle and that it be treated with utmost urgency thank you. Follow Koinonia Farm on Facebook and Instagram for updates, scenes from the farm, and much more! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Please pray for me. Please note that Apostle Himself is NOT on any ANY Social Media platform & He does NOT have any ORPHANAGE or INVESTMENT SCHEME Hes running. Read something of our story. Koinonia Abuja is located in Chida Event Center, Plot 224 Solomon Lar Way, Utoko District Abuja. Required fields are marked *. Koinonia Institute is an online Bible Institute with a focus on verse-by-verse study where serious Christians can grow in knowledge, understanding, awareness and commitment! KoinoNIA is a platform facilitating the global exposure and adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency through a learn and earn educational model. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Koinonia House Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. After a devastating earthquake in 1992 demolished their home in Big Bear, California, Chuck and Nan moved Koinonia House to Coeur dAlene, Idaho and later establishing a base in New Zealand. The four readers above reveal these issues cross state and national borders. Demonstrating the power of the Holy spirit. Koinonia Global | Abuja Click here to visit the official YouTube channel. We are a Christian student group in Central London exploring how to live life fully. Mike Schmitz), The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Koinonia was a Christian band birthed from the fusion in jazz music, which occurred in the 1970s and 1980s, contributing to a new, more electrified and diverse genre called jazz-funk. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. When we dont grieve, we dont heal. Good evening. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The ministry was launched on Sunday 28th February, 2021 with the first/inaugural teaching delivered by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak. Discover the ways we serve on and off the farm. We are an international community of disciples on mission, building deep relationships of brotherhood and sisterhood in Christ. Please assist me to Whatsapp group09014250485, https://chat.whatsapp.com/Izx8bwACTY61vYdSU3CrNn, Pls do add me to the whats app group 08032278609, Add me to your WhatsApp group please. Since our founding in 1942, we have welcomed and shared with anyone and everyone regardless of race, religion, no religion, background or anything else that divides people. Is God leading you to commit your Seeds, Tithes and Offerings to Koinonia ENI? This great Apostle has blessed me and my family so much, I thank Jesus for him! Our assignment and ministry is to be a bridge to purpose as we divinely connect the right people to the right resources in ministry resulting in progress for all. Koinonia Abuja is a branch of Eternity Network International (also known as Koinonia Global) located in Abuja, Nigeria. Your email address will not be published. All you need do is to click on the title. The website still remains . Koinonia (Abuja) with Apostle Joshua Selman (2023) IMPORTANT NOTICE If you are using an Android Device you can Download. All Details | OFFICIAL WEBSITE. Ill be coming from outside Nigeria. Koinonia has a vision for a united church that is active and involved in the community life. At Koinonia, Jenn and Michael are making every attempt to set the table for those coming after them. Jesus lamented. Updated Biography of Mercy Chinwo [2021 Edition], Biography of Pastor Adisa Olumuyiwa of Graceland Christian Centre, [Download] The Ancient Paths by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak, Download HOW TO WORK MIRACLES by Archbishop Benson Idahosa, Click to See All the Available Messages & Songs. The ministry was launched on Sunday 28th February, 2021 with the first/inaugural teaching delivered by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak. Box D Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-2530 By Phone: 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731) (208) 773-6310 By Fax: (208) 773-6312 Physical Address: 4055 E. 3rd Ave Post Falls, ID 83854 New Zealand Postal Address: Koinonia House Trust PO Box 178 Reporoa, 3060 NEW ZEALAND Physical Address: 394 Vaile Road, RD1 Reporoa 3081 NEW ZEALAND Phone: How do I see Apostle Joshua Selman in the Abuja branch on Sunday? John Phillips has been out of contact.[2]. More than eight million Bible study resources have been distributed in the U.S. and in over 35 countries around the world. 1. Surely the original soil from which humankind arose was rich and life-filled. Copyright 2016 by Koinonia House Inc., P.O. The greatest joy in . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Lou Pardini has recorded several of his own albums, composing a Grammy-award winning song for Smokey Robinson;[3] he joined the band Chicago in 2009. We are a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. You can follow @ChuckMissler on Instagram K-House was founded by Chuck and his late wife Nancy Missler. I would like to know how to obtain materials and resources from your ministry school. Lamenting is an important part of our faith, even if it isnt a part of our U.S. culture. Koinonia House P.O. Who is the founder of Koinonia Global | Eternity Network International? Join us by 5pm at Chida Events Centre, Utako District, Abuja or connect online as we fellowship in God's Presence and receive of His Marvelous Light. Download the 2023 Accommodation Rates HERE Please submit a Booking Request or call (845) 456-0214 to plan your visit today! The Official Website of Dr. Chuck Missler, The link to the Koinonia House online store, where you can purchase all of Chuck Missler's available material is https://store.khouse.org, KhouseTV provides hundreds of hours of both audio and video material of Chuck Missler's for a nominal monthly fee.Koinonia House on Vimeo. For further enquiries, you can contact the public relations/protocol department via +2349150227448 or +2349077777853 (none is available on WhatsApp for now). Next Steps The vision of ENI is; Replicating the fullness of Gods life on earth. While, The mission statement is To; Along with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak, other leaders of ENI include Pastor Olufukeji Ejimi, Pastor Meshach Alfa and Victor Omebije as the Head of Protocol. Click here to download them for free. I'm New Sunday 10am | In-person & Online What to Expect Next Steps What's your next step in getting connected or growing in your faith? Kindly call Koinonia Global +2349150227448 or +2349077777853 for adequate recommendation, sir. Acua is one of the major LA studio film percussionists and tours with his own band. SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST TODAY . please pray for me, for iam fighting the battle for so long I know and believe that God will help me win my battles . Latest sermons by Apostle Joshua Selman and up-to-date library of Koinonia Messages. He forever gives revelations that sends me on a higher elimination to Gods word. Before Eternity Network International was birthed, Apostle Selman held several crusades and apostolic meetings all around ABU Zaria, Kaduna and Nigeria at large. Experience KOINONIA this Sunday, 10th of JULY 2022 at our ABUJA CENTRE. All Rights Reserved. 2021 Naija Sermons || All Right Reserved. This unique international membership offers education, insight and community for the serious believer. 19962023 by Koinonia House Inc., P.O. Our hearts were pounding as we slipped over the side of a shallow grotto at the edge of the Abraham's House complex. Also, Apostle Joshua Selman himself is not on any social media for now. Read Now: KOINONIA ABUJA (Service days, Address & other Important things About the Ministry), Updated Biography of Mercy Chinwo [2021 Edition], Download MP3: Apostle Joshua Selman Messages on GOD's WORD, Download MP3: The Apostate Church by Apostle Joshua Selman, (Video) Why You Must Know God Personally - Apostle K Jaravaza, Click to See All the Available Messages & Songs, Every last Friday (Zaria) & Sunday (Abuja) of the month, Equip and perfect the saints by the revelation of Gods word and the ministry of the Holy spirit. The founder is Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak. ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); Without further ado, here are some important facts about the ministry. Your favorite studies, available wherever you want. Life begets life. If you find that one of these links takes you to what you consider to be an offensive site or a site contained objectionable material, please contact us so that we may correct the problem. Its a good one. Please fill out the information below so we can keep you up to date in your email inbox. We are a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization. Koinonia meetings are held at the Christ Gospel Church, 15/16 Alin Basawa Road, Opposite 2nd ECWA Church, New Extension, Samaturu, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. (Click here to read more about the ministry). Learners earn NIA, the native token of the KoinoNIA platform. This means bringing answers and practical solutions to the questions and challenges of life that the world is facing today. Here is a collection of reviews, articles, podcasts, and other resources about The Inconvenient Gospel book and Clarence Jordan himself. Youre on the right page! It holds for the period of six months. Choose Koinonia as the location for your alternative spring break, staff meeting or private retreat. Minister Theophilus Sunday Biography (2021 Edition) Early Life, Education, Wife, State of Origin, Age, Etc. Please I would be glad if these messages can have different download options where one can choose to download any quality of the audio messages. Koinonia Abuja is a branch of Eternity Network International (also known as Koinonia Global) located in Abuja, Nigeria. Please note that this is the ONLY official social media account of Eternity Network International. Required fields are marked *. Currently, Koinonia Global has 2 branches one in Kaduna State & the other in Abuja, Nigeria. Koinonia Institute is our online Bible Institute created with a focus on verse-by-verse study where serious Christians can grow in knowledge, understanding, awareness and commitment! Koinonia Institute is our online Bible Institute created with a focus on verse-by-verse study where serious Christians can grow in knowledge, understanding, awareness and commitment! At KI, we delve into the relevance and reliability of Scripture, including prophetic insight both past and present. Koinonia (Abuja) with Apostle Joshua Selman (2023) Click Here to Download The Above Sermon with AJS Download Opening Destiny Doors Through Relationships. We would love to welcome you to the farm! You can do that only through the ministrys OFFICIAL phone numbers & social media handles: +2349150227448+2349077777853+2348147214444+2349077777853+2347087777765+2348100289892Facebook: @KoinoniaeniInstagram: @Koinoniaglobal. Hockensmith has been Neil Diamonds guitarist for 25 years. Learn about how we use biological management and other sustainable practices to grow food and nurture the soil. Find below All Koinonia Abuja Messages till date.var cid='6768099735';var pid='ca-pub-6217669054763476';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-naijasermons_com_ng-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.style.maxHeight=container.style.minHeight+'px';container.style.maxWidth=container.style.minWidth+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); *Note: The download process is very simple. Stay blessed. The official website of Kononia ENI is KoinoniaGlobal.org. At Koinonia Enterprises, we offer facility-based programs such as adult day services, vocational habilitation services, community programming, in-home programming, and virtual programming. Please shun any group that claims to be such. Koinonia House, or K-House as we are affectionately called, is dedicated to the development and distribution of materials for encouraging and facilitating serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Looking for something else? 2. Very insightful and Im blessed every time I listen to them all the way from South Africa. Your email address will not be published. Minister Theophilus Sunday Biography (2021 Edition) Early Life, Education, Wife, State of Origin, Age, Etc. 1:33:00. Koinonia's facilities can accommodate any number of guests, from a congregational retreat to small families or individuals. Chester Thompson joined one tour in Europe in 1987, replacing Alex Acua, but Thompson was never an official member of the band. Even 60mb per sermon wont be a bad idea. This article focuses on the societal call for acceptance with issues that dominate our headlines. You can pay using two methods a. Koinonia Abuja MIRACLE SERVICE JULY 2022 - 31mb. Koinonia Global @KoinoniaGlobal 557K subscribers Subscribe Giving Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Channels About 0:00 / 0:00 Video Disclaimer by Apostle Joshua Selman 167,799 views. Koinonia House also produce a monthly free news journal called 'Personal UPDATE', also available on issuu. 170 812 2,379 Show this thread Koinonia Global Broadcasted 2/19/23 7:25am - 2/19/23 9:10am. Remember I grew up in a strong Muslim family All praise back to God in the mighty name of Jesus.I AM A UGANDAN 37yrs. Learn about our history, our community life and work today, and how you can get involved by visiting, interning, or donating! The Psalms lament. The ministry is currently located at Christ Gospel Church, Samaturu, Zaria, Kaduna State. 2021 Naija Sermons || All Right Reserved. You can also follow @KoinoniaHouse on Twitter, Copyright 2016 by Koinonia House Inc., P.O. Apostle Joshua Selman's Short charge at Koinonia Abuja School of Ministry Practicum - 31mb. Koinonia meaning intimacy, is an evangelic ministry committed to breeding individuals who are committed to having a close spiritual relationship with the Almighty God and also seeking for the further advancement of the kingdom of God. Welcome to Koinonia Farm! INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS, THE CASPARI CENTER FOR BIBLICAL AND JEWISH STUDIES. Learn More Shared Living Residential Services Shared living enables individuals to receive continuous care while living with a nurturing family. This author is strongly committed to equipping the Church and encouraging the Saints rather than being drawn into a partisan or secular policy debate. . more blessings upon your life and thank you for the good work youre doing . How can I attend services at the church? Hello sir, please help me tell apostle that the great people of Akwa Ibom State really want to have a branch of the ministry so as to have a full dosage of undiluted word and Gods blessings from the grace of God upon the man of God whom God is using, we most youths in Akwa Ibom State are following him and really wish a beach is here to help them by way of proper mentorship and guide from the Holy Spirit through the leadership of of Gods servant. Your email address will not be published. Don't IGNORE If You Need Support: Click Here To Chat With Customer Service On WhatsApp Table of Contents Review: Apostle Joshua Selman Website Koinonia Global Services Inc. 252, South Leaksdale Circle, London, ON N6M 1K3, Canada 080051177717 canada@koinoniaglobal.com feedback form Our contact Head Office Head of communications Email: canada@koinoniaglobal.com Skype: ca.koinoniaglobal Abuja Chamber of Commerce & Industry, KM 8 Umaru Musa Yar'adua Way, Airport Road, Lugbe, Abuja - Nigeria. These links are provided for your further research and education. Welcome to our official website. Bible study resources from Dr. Chuck Missler, on DVD, CD, audio and video download. This page contains all the important details you need to know about Eternity Network International (ENI) also known as Koinonia global, ranging from the Founder, Programmes, School of Ministry, Official Social Media accounts, Contact details, Online Radio, Live stream, Website, Sermons, Worship songs, Bank Account Number, to name but a few. Koinonia Global Services Inc. 252, South Leaksdale Circle, London, ON N6M 1K3, Canada 080051177717 canada@koinoniaglobal.com feedback form Our contact Head Office Head of communications Email: canada@koinoniaglobal.com Skype: ca.koinoniaglobal Abuja Chamber of Commerce & Industry, KM 8 Umaru Musa Yar'adua Way, Airport Road, Lugbe, Abuja - Nigeria. Read more about him here. His investigation began in 2015 and he had often spoken of it during the intervening years. Would you like to contact Koinonia Abuja for any questions or inquiries? 66/40 BroadcastClick here to listen to Chuck Missler's 66/40 program for free! May you be forever lifted and blessed beyond measure!!! K-House was founded by Chuck and his late wife Nancy Missler. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Official Website of Dr. Chuck Missler, Last updated: 17th September, 2016 - 8:25pm. DEC 25, 2020; Pray about joining us! Thank you, Jenn and Michael. He is a blessing to believers and a living testimony of Gods power. Under the umbrella body of Eternity Network International, there are; Koinonia and the ENI School of Ministry or Bible School. There are golden nuggets within every media outlet that comes from him. Mon-Sat: 8:00 AM-6:00 PM Sunday: Closed +16479137388 +2348033065224 +2348051177717 info@koinoniaglobal.com support@koinoniaglobal.com 08024645510, Pls here is my number 07048880258add me on watsup I need koinoia message help me.Thanks, Please add me to your WhatsApp group 08182743697, Pls adim add me to to your WhatsApp group and please be dropping lastest sermon in the group thank you 08162885496, I thank God for koinonia because if he wasnt Apostle Joshua Seleman I really dont know if I would remain a Christian for these three years past. Please whats koinoniaa schedule of service ..programs like praise worship, prayer, word, announcement, offering and the likes. Apostle Joshua Selman Website - Login and Register www.apostleselman.com , you can login and regsiter to the official website of Apostle Joshua Selman. Click here to visit the official YouTube channel. Koinonia (coy NO nyah) is a New Testament word which is most often translated to mean communication, fellowship, or communion. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Content Removal - DMCA. Box D, Coeur dAlene, ID 83816. Our Mission Statement: To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Though less known in the United States, Koinonia established themselves as a huge sensation in Scandinavia and Western Europe, performing to sell-out crowds from 1982 to 1991 in Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Switzerland and France. Chuck Missler has an officialFacebook Page The links above do not work, Email: koinoniaabuja@gmail.com || Phone: +2348147214444, Im blessed for coming across koinonia.apostles messages have blessed from march 2022,wen I began listening to him but my request is u help us with awatsap number were we can reach u coz all those numbers require calling yet Im from uganda so watsap would be easier,I really need to be nurtured more with the word.Please help me. The Official Website of Koinonia House. As we crawled through the tiny opening, we found what might be a key to unlocking a pivotal period in Jewish history. Let Them Have Dominion - 38mb. [2], Each member has gone on to be successful individual and/or studio and session musicians working with many giants of the music industry. He is definitely a God sent one for me and many generations to come. Thanks. If you plan to attend any of Koinonia upcoming programmes and services, kindly contact the Protocol Department via +2347087777765 or +2348147214444 for adequate information. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Having finished leading our 2019 B.A.S.E. Our Koinonia House New Zealand online store servicing the New Zealand, Australia and the wider Oceania region. 0 Home February 8, 2023 Koinonia Kingdom Network was birthed out of a desire to help people walk in their destiny. Acts 2:37-47. It was founded by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak on March 11, 2011. To create, develop, and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage, and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Explore our site and plan a visit we are a house of hospitality with plenty of guest rooms. Koinonia is one of the top ministries in Nigeria in terms of souls conversion and other spiritual works. Our members come from different Christian traditions (Anglicans . Thank you Apostle Selmas for your faithfulness to your call. Koinonia (Abuja) with Apostle Joshua Selman (2023), DownloadExceeding-Great-and-Precious-Promises.-Koinonia-Abuja-with-Apostle-Joshua-Selman-2023, Download Miracle-Service-January-Koinonia-Abuja-with-Apostle-Joshua-Selman-Nimmak, Download Ephphatha-The-Mystery-of-Open-Doors.-Koinonia-Abuja-with-Apostle-Joshua-Selman-2023, Download July 2022 Miracle Service with Apostle Joshua Selman, Download Let Them Have Dominion Part Three with Apostle Joshua Selman, Download Let Them Have Dominion Part Two with Apostle Joshua Selman, Download Let Them Have Dominion Part One with Apostle Joshua Selman. I am have grown deeper in my relationship with father God and studying His word just magnifies the more. I thank God for Apostle Joshua Selman, the founder of Eternity Network Global. Dominion (2020) by Apostle Joshua Selman | Koinonia Messages 2020, Dominion (2020)By Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak.Source: Koinonia GlobalCurated by: The DownloadSermon TeamTo support us: Donate here - https://paystack.com/pay/dsdonationFiled under Koinonia Messages 2020--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/koinonia-ds/message, Spiritual Blindness by Apostle Joshua Selman | Koinonia Messages 2020, Spiritual Blindness (2020)By Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak.Source: Koinonia GlobalCurated by: The DownloadSermon TeamTo support us: Donate here - https://paystack.com/pay/dsdonationFiled under Koinonia Messages 2020--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/koinonia-ds/message, PRIESTHOOD by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak | Winepress 2020, Priesthood (2020)By Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak.Preached at WinePress 2020Source: Koinonia GlobalCurated by: The DownloadSermon TeamTo support us: Donate here - https://paystack.com/pay/dsdonationFiled under Koinonia Messages 2020--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/koinonia-ds/message, Three Most Important Things by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak | Koinonia Messages 2020, Three Most Important Things (2020)By Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak.Source: Koinonia GlobalCurated by: The DownloadSermon TeamTo support us: Donate here - https://paystack.com/pay/dsdonationFiled under Koinonia Messages 2020--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/koinonia-ds/message, February 2020 Miracle Service with Apostle Joshua Selman | Koinonia Messages 2020, February 2020 Miracle Service with Apostle Joshua SelmanSource: Koinonia GlobalCurated by: The DownloadSermon TeamTo support us: Donate here - https://paystack.com/pay/dsdonationFiled under Koinonia Messages 2020--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/koinonia-ds/message, Even as Thy Soul Prospereth (2020) by Apostle Joshua Selman | Koinonia Messages 2020, Even as Thy Soul Prospereth (2020)by Apostle Joshua SelmanSource: Koinonia GlobalCurated by: The DownloadSermon TeamTo support us: Donate here - https://paystack.com/pay/dsdonationFiled under Koinonia Messages 2020--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/koinonia-ds/message.