Dr. Nemec shares some reflections on the importance of honoring June 19 as an annual University holiday. Previously SO 0162. Previously RS 0106. Inclusive Excellence | Sacred Heart University Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Chief Diversity Officer, Program Associate and more! Drawing upon readings dealing primarily with American education, we discuss how educational experiences influence important life outcomes including lifetime earnings, health status, and interaction with the criminal justice system. B. UMOJA in 1982. Do literary works produced in different cultures at the same time "speak to each other" across time and space? Nursing < Fairfield University In order to identify promising practices for teaching EDI, this collaboratively authored paper follows the thread of our common strategies, activities, and . During this course, students will gain an understanding of the social, ecological, and environmental determinants of health; recognize the roles of public policy and cultural values in maintaining health inequities in the U.S. and globally; and develop the ability to advocate for solutions to public health problems using a social justice approach. Imani Perry Explores Intersection of Race, Gender, and SexualityMarch 5, 2020. For a 15-credit minor in diversity, equity, and inclusion, students complete the following: At least two departments must be represented among the three electives. ASML 3.9. . As I watch the protests and response in various communities, I both feel and understand the rage. Students will undertake a critical investigation of race and ethnicity within Islam from the classical period to the present. Some of the questions raised include the following: Is the death penalty a deterrent? Topics to be discussed include the construction of race, slavery and its abolition, the Black American Muslim experience, and Muslim theologies of liberation and resistance. Diversity Group Concerned how a 'No' Vote on - Iowa Starting Line ENGL 1720Literacy and Language3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, E_AF English Literature After 1800, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, UDIV U.S. Diversity. We welcome admitted students from traditionally underrepresented populations and students with a strong interest in diversity to spend a night on campus, meet members of the community, and become a stag for a day. The course highlights collections of Asian art at the Fairfield University Art Museum, Yale University, and in New York City. Diversity Jobs, Employment in Fairfield, CT | Indeed.com Fairfield U ranks 464 out of 2,183 when it comes to geographic diversity. Fostering inclusion and understanding across the many human differences that often divide and marginalize, the Fairfield community is united in its reverence for the human dignity of every person. Topics include the allocation of work, power, and prestige between men and women, the belief systems that legitimate gender roles, and some possible causes for the wide variation that exists among cultures. Global health issues and their impact on the delivery of health care services are discussed, along with consumer use of complementary and alternative therapies. The course pays special attention to the ways in which race, class, and sexualities intersect processes of gender relations and social change. 4 jobs using the terms 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' to view and apply for now with The Chronicle of Higher Education Jobs | by Relevance. This course surveys the history of Europe and the Atlantic world and their encounters with East Asia from the 1400s to the 1800s. The course includes a special topic covering the globalization in Latin America and its impact in the 21st century. Previously SP 0359. Crosslisted with HIST2235. How is the U.S. position on the death penalty perceived by the international community? Gerry Blaszczak, S.J. This course examines the economy from philosophical and anthropological perspectives. Previously RS 0252. How can we provide a non-Eurocentric explanation of the rise of the modern world that has European and American features? Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - University of Houston Previously AH 0165. President Mark R. Nemec, PhD. This course presents a general view of Spanish-American civilization from pre-Columbian times to the present. Enhancing the richness of cultural diversity through student clubs and organizations is the cornerstone of the multicultural college experience. Previously HI 0102. The PDF will include all pages within the 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog. A Juneteenth Message From the President Mark R. Nemec, PhD. Throughout the course there is a focus on thinking critically when looking at art as well as how to articulate ideas in writing. The Jesuit tradition of cura personalis care for the whole person animates our mission. C. Barlow Road entrance, 1942. Each touchstone work will be grouped with a number of subsequent literary texts responding to and/or revising the earlier work. Dear Members of the Fairfield University Community: Over the last few weeks, I have been sharing with you thoughts about the global pandemic and our Universitys response to the ongoing challenges we have faced as a learning community, as we adapt to these circumstances. Students examine periods from the 1950s to the present, along with Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, the Beatles, the British invasion, folk music, Bob Dylan, jazz and art rock, Jimi Hendrix, the west coast movement, and the music industry. The Center offers spiritual direction to students, faculty and staff, the Diocese of Bridgeport, and community members of all faiths. Previously RS 0269. It is a mastery of inclusion that fosters a consistent sense of belonging. Just like McGrath Commons, only private and virtual. SOCI 1135Race, Gender, and Ethnic Relations3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, ASSO American Studies: Sociology, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, BSSS Black Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, SPEL Sports Media Elective, UDIV U.S. Diversity, WSGC Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Gender Component. We use an interdisciplinary approach integrating theory and research methods from history, sociology, politics, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and Black Studies. Diversity & Inclusion - Boston University Major works of art and architecture will be examined to understand the respective cultures and traditions of these regions. Fairfield University named Don C. Sawyer III, PhD, the new vice president of diversity, inclusion and belonging on Monday. Previously RS 0275. Tenured/Tenured Track jobs in Fairfield | by Relevance We will focus on the artworks themselves and, when possible, the artist's dialogue. Subject areas will include blues and its origins, jazz and modernism, the obstacles of race in music, the death of rhythm and blues, rock's evolution in the 1950s, rap and hip hop culture, and issues in both postmodernism and perverse as seen by many music and art critics. We are a Center on Fairfield Universitys campus that offers spiritual direction to students, faculty and staff, the Diocese of Bridgeport, and community members of all faiths. The mission of the University of Virginia Comprehensive Cancer Center is to reduce the burden of cancer for the patients of today, through skilled, integrated, and compassionate care and to eliminate the threat of cancer for the patients of tomorrow, through research and education in an environment that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion. Previously SO 0165. We recognize that viable solutions to enduring problems emerge when people with diverse backgrounds and skills work together with mutual respect, toward common goals. Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Director, Director of Recruiting and more! This course examines and analyzes film by Spanish and Latin-American directors (Buuel, Saura, Littn, Sanjins, etc.). Previously EN 0101. Dedicated weekly screenings create the theatrical experience for which these films were intended. Members of the Fairfield University community are committed to respecting and valuing one another, finding the common good rooted in us all, and working collaboratively to achieve our potential as a modern Jesuit Catholic institution. Throughout the semester, we address three fundamental questions. University Establishes Inclusion and Diversity Council Sep 11, 2020 | News, Student News & Resources The Inclusion and Diversity Council was created at Post University to establish a long-term commitment for Post to be a genuine leader in influencing meaning change in our society. Previously EN 0133. And how do they represent the increasingly diversified cultural and social landscape of contemporary China? Diversity Equity Inclusion jobs in Fairfield, CT - indeed.com This course explores the shared patterns of thought, behavior, and feelings - that is, the cultures - of a number of peoples and presents explanations for the forms they take and the differences between them. Director of Diversity, Community, and Belonging - Chesterfield The course will also allow students to learn about cultural adjustments of both refugees and host communities whether it is in the United States, Europe, Middle East, or Africa. PSYC 2220Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, UDIV U.S. Diversity. The goal of the minor is to provide students with the economics and social justice knowledge to work effectively in any organization in pursuit of DEI goals. This course examines contemporary Latin American politics, with particular attention to the challenges and opportunities for democracy and human rights in the region. The Office of Student Diversity and Multicultural Affairs supports a wide variety of diverse and affinity clubs that allow students to be engaged outside of the classroom. Dear CAS Community, Like so many, I am hurt, angered, and broken by the recent death of George Floyd coming after so many others at the hands of police brutality. Fairfield Dolan is proud to introduce a new minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), available to all Fairfield students. Diversity enriches our University community and is a driving force instrumental to our institutional success and fulfillment of the University's mission. This course allows questions to be framed, and answers sought, with regard to the challenge of diversity in the work environment. Fairfield school diversity director aims to help every student thrive Josh LaBella Feb. 5, 2022 3 FAIRFIELD If a primary aspect of diversity, equity and inclusion work is education, Fairfield Public Schools' new DEI director certainly has a good pedigree. NURS 1112Healthcare Delivery Systems3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, EDCG Educational Studies Cognate, EDDV Educational Studies Diversity, HSTE Health Studies: Traditions, Delivery, and Ethics. Previously NS 0112. ENGL 1330African American Literary Tradition3 Credits, Attributes: ASGW American Studies: Gateway, BSFC Black Studies Focus Course, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, ENAM American Literature, MELT Magis Core Exploration: Literature, UDIV U.S. Diversity. This course examines the evolution and innovation of the religions of African people as they were shaped through the middle passage, merged with other religions during the institution of slavery, and created anew on the American continent and throughout the Caribbean Sea. Students will read, study, and critically analyze relevant documents, and cultural materials from pre-Columbian populations until the contemporary period. The same founding principles have guided our community over time as we continue to work towards a more inclusive and diverse campus. Previously SO 0185. Students explore topics such as modernity, nationalism, individualism, gender, and cultural identity in the modern cultural-historical context. The $54,000 grant will enable the Centers partner school Loyola High School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to install solar panels on an academic building and their chapel. The health care delivery system is explored from a historical, economic, political, and health information technology perspective. The 2019 conference was held at Fairfield University and included school districts from across the region and state. Fairfield is committed to providing a safe, affirming, and inclusive community for students. Fairfield school diversity director aims to help every student thrive Their need to be heard has led them to risk an illness that has disproportionately devastated poor and marginalized communities. Dr. Sawyer will build upon Fairfields ongoing work to advance racial justice and belonging, and will collaborate with executive leadership on learning and development needs related to cultural humility, gender identity, race and ethnicity, ability/accessibility, and other critical areas to increase awareness, develop policies, and foster institutional inclusion and belonging. Previously MG 0320. ANTH 2015Refugees and Culture3 Credits, Attributes: DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, HACA Humanitarian Action Minor Context Course, INEL International Studies / International Business Elective, PJST Peace and Justice Studies, WDIV World Diversity. The goal of the minor is to provide students with the economics and social justice knowledge to work effectively in any organization in pursuit of DEI goals. Previously AY 0135. 55 Silliman Street, #55, Fairfield, (University), CT, 06824 104 West Adams Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 (641) 472-6551 Ext. The Black Studies program was established in 1995 to provide students with a comprehensive study of the origins and experiences of people of African descent and explores the social, political, and economic roots of contemporary problems by examining them in the context of the wider world. Fairfield University: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Glassdoor Sort by: relevance - date. Dr. Sawyer will also be joining the faculty as an associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. This course is an introduction to the history of the modern world since 1500. This course considers the nature and causes of problems facing low-income nations, with a focus on the impact that various economic policies have on promoting economic development. The 2019 conference was held at Fairfield University and included school districts from across the region and state. Catholic Leaders say Floyds Death, Demonstrations A Wake-up CallCrux June 1, 2020. A team of science and mathematics faculty members has been awarded a prestigious grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to transform the introductory experience for STEM students, with the goal of improving retention and success for all students, especially for students of color and others who have been traditionally excluded from these disciplines. Diversity and Inclusion . We hope to develop men and women to serve as global citizens, at home in the world, able to engage in diverse cultural circumstances with an open mind and the capacity to empathize with the perspectives of others. In addition to studying the migrants and the reasons for their international movement, participants have the opportunity to discuss opposing perspectives on the immigration policies of developed countries. We educate men and women who serve for and with others within the rich tapestry of cultures that comprise our contemporary world. Fairfield University community members share a commitment to inquiry and discernment, and a determination to serve as global citizens supporting the dignity and essential human rights of all persons. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. 13 Diversity Inclusion jobs available in Fairfield, CT on Indeed.com. We examine how many writers have challenged their contemporaries to become aware of important issues - race, women's rights, Native American activism, the environment, war, and poverty. The Brown School, where I taught, had a mission for diversity and community-engagement. After considering the cognitive and motivational factors that contribute to stereotyping and prejudice, students will proceed to examine prejudice in the "real world," exploring literature on discrimination-related policies, effects of stereotyping, prejudice, and identity on achievement and status, and prejudice reduction programs. Individuals in the program will be prepared to advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and social justice through leadership roles across postsecondary settings (e.g., student affairs, institutional advancement, admissions, marketing, and communications, etc.). Students create material culture related to each thematic section of the course. We recognize the inherent value and dignity of each person, guided by our Jesuit heritage as informed by the contemporary context. Fairfield University Office of Student Engagement offers a number of programs and services to students including Safe Space Program, Ally Network, Veteran Support, Academic Immersion and Cura Personalis Mentoring Program. Our 437-square-mile service area is multicultural, and we develop the library's collection with our readers' wide range of interests in mind. Fairfield University Magazine - Spring 2021. Previously RS 0255. Breaking Down Silos: Teaching for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Apply to Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Faculty, Academic Advisor and more! Available to all students regardless of their major, the minor in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was designed for students who are passionate about social justice. This course introduces major monuments of the arts of Asia, including architecture, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and prints. This is the latest wake-up call that needs to be answered by each of us in a spirit of determined conversion., A Message from Director of Athletics Paul Schlickmann, Our Stags family is committed to taking tangible and meaningful action that will benefit our community and affect positive change for the greater good., US Bishops Condemn Killing of George Floyd, Deplore Violence and DestructionVatican News, June 1, 2020. This course introduces human genetics to the non-science major. Previously EN 0130. This course introduces students to the history, core functions, and essential services of public health and serves as a foundation for further study in the discipline. HIST 2205Anti-Semitism: Medieval to Modern3 Credits, Attributes: CAOT Catholic Studies: Non-Religious Studies, DEIE Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Elective, H_BF History Before 1750, H_EU European History, JST Judaic Studies Minor. A college's ethnic diversity is indicated by the student body's equal inclusion of students from different backgrounds . Fairfield University is committed to providing accommodations to students with disabilities in order to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities.