After 3 months of new research, I located the Jacob Waltzs trail, where it started and where it ended. Some 30 years later, Jacob Waltz nicknamed "the Dutchman," even though he was German rediscovered the mine with the help of a Peralta descendant, according to legend. Yes! Waltz said he camped up above where the Mexicans camped on the Horses Saddle. In late November 2009, Capen drove to Arizona to begin his search. There have been at least three discoveries of the mine since the 1960s, and in all three cases, good gold was found. Waltz said that when he traveled there, he camped the night below the fort in a stand of Cottonwoods. This again is correct, but you have to see the place to understand what he meant. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Im not going to tell you that I have found it (whether I have or have not). I would only reveal it to someone I could trust and right now that is no one. Burnett said she believes her son was caught too far from camp that first day to make it back by sunset. Legend of the Superstition Mountains: Secrets of the Lost Map Lost Dutchman Treasure Hunter Wayne Tuttle was followed - YouTube About; British Mark; Publication; Awards; Nominate; Sponsorship; Contact Some of these are very important; for now, there are at least six that are extremely relevant. We know where there are several samples of the actual rich ore from the candlebox under Waltz Death Bed at Julia Thomas Place..and Julia was not at his side when he died. As far as the book, it is concerned, it will be different than, the others I have seen it will as much, about our journey, and how our story ends and it will truthful no matter how it ends. Until campers chanced upon a note in bottle floating down the Salt River. We will be on site much longer and with a much larger crew. Your description sounds in line with others. Our guys have been training this summer with skilled climbers, two of which will accompany us on our next trip. Like all good treasure stories, tragedy has followed in its wake. New Evidence of Lost Dutchman Mine - Sasquatch Chronicles Stories of hidden gold and treasure dot the landscape of the U.S. like it's part of our national identity. I thank you for helping keep my uncles spirit alive. Lost Dutchman Gold Mine: Does 'X' Mark The Spot? - HuffPost Give this lots of thought before you open your mouth about where the mine is at. I cannot give you all or most of my information because its best not to trust anyone on this, I might lose everything Ive worked so hard for. 15 Feb. 2015. Thanks Kal for the interest. I am not sure what legally disabled in your case means, but because of the earthquake, you need repelling gear to get up to the site, plus it takes more than one person, to get that done. I have ran a few buckets of material to confirm if there is a parent gold source up a particular canyon I have explored. Waltz said he built a rock wall in the opening to hide it. I'll be at peace with it when I get to that point. No one has found, or at least shared, any viable proof that matches the man-made or natural clues. How do you not get discovered with a large search party while returning to LDGM? There may still be gold to be found, but not likely enough to get rich on. If anybody ever did find the mine they would be quietly getting rich and wouldnt ever dream of stringing honest people along like this. Ruth injured his leg so severely in the process that he developed a lifelong limp. Every time I'm in specific areas, I wonder if I've walked over that spot.". It is in a place that is hard to find. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. And, there are some chisel marks. I am sure it would have made sense, that he was at her place. All these guys think they found it or know the answer.. I'll still watch if it is renewed. 3. If we are discussing te same location, I can tell you where the inscription is. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. We had been out there searching nearly every weekend for three years and this particular time we were scouring an area where a small daypack was located and had a few articles in it and we started scouring the cliffs, Cooper told The majority of my research has been focused on Jacob Waltz and the history surrounding his story as it relates the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. I have been researching this since I was a young kid and are starting to now think of doing some legwork slowly and carefully. Ill buy your book as Im in Australia and have been following searchers over the net for years so your book will be enough proof for me thanks very interesting read and well explained how you got to where you are now. This is really exciting. The Old Seers. Walter Beach was Kidd's prospecting and mining partner for more than twenty years. First off, there was never going to be a sign that says, Welcome to the Lost MineProperty of Jacob Waltz. But the gold find is intriguing for me nonetheless. "Find Bottle Floating in Salt River Bearing Note Signed by Missing Miner," the headline read. My oh my! Coroners used DNA extracted from bone marrow to make a match with DNA provided by his parents. Reviews and News of Jack San Felice Everytime I found positive information in the office I always made a trip out to Arizona. Where is your book? Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona . (and this is most important! Arcana is the only one who has ever done this. Its my understanding that the LDM was located a few years back, or I should say rediscovered. True! Legend of the Superstition Mountains: S1E1 Secrets of the Lost Map. By 1864, Waltz was prospecting in Arizona and is reputed to have found a gold deposit near the Superstition mountain, known now as the legendary Lost Dutchman Mine. But the icing on the cake will be what we document on the fall trip and absolutely must be in the book. I have come to the conclusion that, that telling our story and informing the Park-service just before the book does come out, so they can protect it for a lot of reasons, makes the best sense. On our next trip our goal is to reach one area we have not, as yet been able to penetrate.. If you climb some distance above my mine you can see to the south a sharp peak (Weavers Needle). For now, we will share some meaningful images, but for security reasons we cannot show everything that we have. Over the last five years I have read close to 100 books plus other literary and research material regarding the history of the Superstition Mountains and its many inhabitants and visitors. I have literally made more trips than I had money for but I always got positive proof of what I was researching. Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America's deadliest treasure. He prospected and worked as a miner in the mother lode country of California for eleven years. Maybe he stole it from other miners or was given it for political reasons or possibly worked/paid for it. Graduate Trevor Tuttle: Telling the tales of treasure Or is it just a flat piece of rock that faces the mine? You risk your life anytime you go into any mountain range, but I believe you're gonna go until you can't do it again. It would be a safe place if you are aloneyou have the high ground. Yes! On History channel's series "Legend of the Superstition Mountains," a team of adventurers led by hunter Wayne Tuttle (pictured above) is following clues, including those on a mysterious map, hoping they'll hit pay dirt of what's considered America's most famous and deadliest buried treasure. The entrance is marked by an Elephant Head. In the 1840s, according to the Denver Post, the Peralta family of Mexico mined gold out of the mountains, but Apaches attacked and killed all but one or two family members as they took the gold back to Mexico. "..Jack Sanfelice's Lost Duchman story among the most read stories of 2014 of East Valley Independent Newspaper " Read more Watch this video of the Dutch hunters following clues in the Peralta map: The reported mine was dubbed Lost Dutchman around 1892 after Waltz died. I had to give up reading the replies because they change with every different question to answer. We need to bring a golf range finder on our fifth trip, to record distances. Thanks Jeff. Quick question: If the mine faces Northwest and you are standing in the mine entrance looking out how does a compass read 220? I too an am explorer, member of prospecting clubs and am very connected to the community. Wouldnt that be facing Southwest? I believe he mined at least two sites in the general area. Meet Wayne Tuttle. It had to be up there. S1, Ep2. Thanks Mike you have been at it a long time, I read your post on Treasure Net you know your stuff, and have been out where the rubber meets the road, you are a true Dutch Hunter and I have always respected your input on TN, Thank you for responding here. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Has Been Found! I look forward to reading your book and following your research! He said the mine lies in a north trending canyon that is shaded most of the day. In fact, none of clues match the Goldfield location. Not All Clues are about what Jacob Waltz said. Do I think we have the LDM,,I do. The fact you have this site is proof to me that you are simply mining for book sales. Here is the thing Mike I have seen everything found and presented before, compared to what we have( and we are not done) and it not close. The author wrote that he believed the mine was realBUT! YES! I spoke with Greg Davis about asking the owner of the matchbox for a one time XRF scan, and perhaps also the one piece of ore said to be from the mine. Ongoing discoveries of the Lost Dutchman Mine have continued for well over a hundred years. Beach died in 1947, leaving Kidd alone to travel from his work to home and to his mining claims somewhere west of the Miami area. It could be more or less, and until we find it, we won't know.". On his deathbed, he told a handful of people about the mine and gave them directions. 10,323 views Nov 10, 2018 227 Dislike Share Save Terry Carter 40.2K subscribers Wayne Tuttle. He also said his shaft and the Mexicans shaft were very close together, but when you stood at either shaft you cannot see the other shaft. Fairly generic directions, but he gave them nonetheless. You may be close to the mine as many floks hike right past it. Fences, 24-hour guard, and an onslaught of people wanting to get rich quick. I cannot and Will not give out locations or coordinates to the location of this canyon, because it it ever got out every yahoo in the country would be running wild and destroying everything inside that is well over 174-200 years old. Will I regret the day I can't get back in there? Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of Ame Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America's deadliest treasure. Skull found could be that of Wyoming hiker who disappeared in 2007, Treasure hunter who found Ship of Gold now sought by US Marshals, Snow hinders search for Wisconsin hiker missing in northwest Alaska. Legal Statement. I was thinking she was his caretaking during his last six months, until the end, I should have been more specific, she was there for him, just not at the last minutes of his life. They were friendly, and he gave her hints about the mine's location. And people have been hunting for the mine since 1892. Starring: Wayne Tuttle, Frank Augustine, Woody Wampler, Eric . photo by Reddit user pretzeloverlord, The strangest aspects of the human experience,,,,,,,, Though, in my opinion, the site fits the clues nicely. It could also be said that you could do the same type of research on 'The Legends of Superstition Mountain' and you might come out with a different attitude also. The clues that are most generally accepted by Dutchman scholars are a good place to start, and it will make the most sense to start with the clues that pertain more directly with Jacob Waltz. And you are incorrect that if anyone found the mine they would be quietly be getting rich, it is not that simple. A discovery at the end of 2011 helped searchers focus on Tortilla Mountain: Hikers found a note in a metal can atop the peak that said: "Jesse Capen was here. 1. I am highly dyslexic and actually see backwards (in my brains eye), I am always getting phone numbers wrong when I try to dial even though I have it in front of me. Yes! Forget about what every yahoo has said, get down to basics. The Pioneer & Military Memorial Park is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Weaver's Needle, photo by Nicholas Tortajada, Salt River AZ. I havent been back to the canyon since after November 29th, 2018 because everytime I go in I get a different illness everytime which has stumped my Doctors in both Phoenix and Charlotte, NC. Even if it passes all of that, it is not 100% that it is LDM Ore. Not 100%, but it will be enough to be taken more seriously than the multitudes of others that appear online claiming to have found the LDM. Kidd was born in Ogdensburg, New York, on July 18, 1879. There is a slow running spring that feeds into a hard rock pocket pool. Where is the Lost Dutchman Mine? People have searched for it to no (Courtesy: Robert Cooper). But all in all, it is still an intriguing myth/legend. We will be posting some information about the book in an upcoming post. I am usually not an emotional person. I wonder how many people would spend over 3 million dollars of their OWN money to try and fool those who watch the program. At the time of his search, Waltz was living in Phoenix, reportedly on land owned by Julia Thomas, a local bakery owner. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. What they discover may have finally put Wayne on the right path to solving this 150 year old mystery. Good Luck I hope you find out about your health, that is the most important thing.Thanks for your post. The bottom line is if we do have the mine, our story will be one that will be of interest or it will not. Why not post a high res picture of 2 foot thick Gold Ore Vein Waltz said it had? Jacob Waltz said: Has the Lost Dutchman Mine Been Found? - True West Magazine I might have possibly found something of interest? Until now, that is. The Lost Dutchman Mine - True West Magazine "I've been in areas where it's said there would be no possible sign of gold. The program is entertaining. Wayne Tuttle - Facebook We call em Dutch hunters out here, said Superstition Search and Rescue Director Robert Cooper. It reads, "This is my first and only will and is dated the second of January, 1946. It might be Blackbeard's buried booty, caches of Confederate gold, mobsters who buried their takes in the desert outside Las Vegas, or dozens of other rumors and tall tales about hidden wealth. Ridiculous, your clues dont even jive, they contradict themselves. 2. History is replete with other people that have looked but not found the LDM. The LDM has been found over the years by 170 different people and in 170 different locations throughout the Superstition Mountain Wilderness. It was best I was alone. As you probably guessed, they were fakes. If so did you get any indication they might be removing traces of human activity to revert the area to a more natural wilderness state? The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine :: The Human Exception Jacob Waltz died in 1891. What they discover may have finally put Wayne on the right path Armed with a new clue that could unearth the location of the famed Lost Dutchman Mine, lifelong Dutch Hunter Wayne Tuttle, leads a team into Arizona's Superstition Mountains in search of America's deadliest treasure. Aired on Feb 08, 2015. Many scholars believe there is link between the Hohokam and the Aztec culture that predates Montezumas era in central Mexico. One good pic would make it so Scotty, Well since the intervention of Google Earth and using the pony for your map you can almost pinpoint it within 500 feet. Not available. What we have is not the same as what you are describing. If you do find the mine Well know. At that time, we will need permission to retest the Dutchmans gold, but this is not as easy as you might think. Every time I'm in specific areas, I wonder if I've walked over that spot.".