Please folks, is there anywhere/website that can point me in a correct direction/order of reading. Look forward to five more Phase Five movies in the coming couple of years, including Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. An alternative to reading everything in the Master reading order would be to choose the characters you are interested in and reading their individual Character Reading Orders up to one of the other Starting Points and then continuing on from there. 1, Showcase Presents: The Brave And The Bold: Batman Team-ups Vol. Each new era was the result of some event. 1: The Curse, Constantine Vol. 3, Showcase Presents: The Brave And The Bold: Batman Team-ups Vol. 2, Batgirl: Ghost/Batgirl: The ResurrectionMachine, DC Animated: Superman Adventures Vol. This is the most slimmed down version of the DC order. OMAC: One Man Army Corps Book 3: MeinKampf, OMAC: One Man Army Corps Book 4: The Man Who MadeTomorrow, Shade: The Changing Man: The Edge ofVision, Batman / Judge Dredd: Judgement OnGotham, Batman Vs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 2, Captain Carrot: Captain Carrot and the FinalArk, Justice Society: Thy Kingdom Come Volume1, Green Arrow/Black Canary: The WeddingAlbum, Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume4, Death of the New Gods: Death of the NewGods, Superman/Batman: The Search forKryptonite, Green Lantern: Green Lantern Corps: RingQuest, Green Arrow/Black Canary: FamilyBusiness, Justice Society: Thy Kingdom Come Volume2, House Of Mystery Vol. You can read here the full Zero Year reading Order. The Complete Authority Comics Reading Order: Get Ready for the Movie! 1, Batman: Streets Of Gotham Vol. Following Supermans showdown with Vandal Savage in the 2015 Superman Annual #3 and the event Truth, KalEl has become desperate to regain his powers. The queens celebrate the show's 200th episode with a highly-referential ball and a Crystalized Eleganza design challenge. Gotham City is miraculously transformed into a bright and happy utopia where most Batman Family members have new identities in Gothtopia. If you choose this you will experience all the events and learn about all the characters but it comes at the cost of reading thousands and thousands of issues. 1: Kicking Down TheDoor, Milestone Forever Book 2: HardwareEscape, Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton Vol. This part of the reading order starts off with a revamped Justice League being written by Grant Morrison and also sees the return of the Justice Society. We have yet another Crisis event with Final Crisis, which has major repercussions within the Batman Family series of comics. 2: Dawn of the Demons, Batman/Superman Vol. Welcome to the DC You Reading Order. Marvel Universe Reading Order. It's a major update to the Crushing Comics guide that started it all - my Guide to Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont! You can read the series 52 that fills in the gap between the event and the One Year Later stories. You'll find the complete reading order since the relaunch right here. 94). 2, Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team Ups Vol. Should help hopefully. Welcome to the DC Universe. 2: Your Kiss Might Kill, Batman: The Dark Knight Vol. 3, The Brave And The Bold Team-Up Archives Vol. Super Friends! 2, Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow? 2, Legion of Super Heroes: Vol. 2: The Starfire, Justice League Vol. Kara is done with people pushing her around, taking advantage of her and betraying her. And one of the most major storylines during the 20132014 period was Batman: Zero Year, a yearlong comic book crossover event with the ambition to redefine the origin of Batman in The New 52. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Re: DC Modern Age Reading Order - 1986 (COIE) - 2011 (Flashpoint) I'm excited to announce I have updated my order . 6: Superdoom, Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. Welcome to the New 52 Reading Order. Zero Hour is the second of DCs large Crisis events. DC Comics continue publishing 25 of their existing ongoing titles and launched 24 brand-new series during that time, including Batman Beyond (see above, placed after the Futures End event in this reading order), Midnighter, Starfire, Justice League of America, Robin: Son of Batman, Justice League 3001, Superman: Lois & Clark and much more. 2: Bulletproof, All-Star Western Vol. Death of the New Gods (2007) #1-8along with various god deaths in Birds of Prey #109 (Knockout), Outsiders Five of a Kind: Thunder/Martian Manhunter (Speed Queen, Grayven), Superman/Batman #42 (Bekka), Wonder Girl #5 (Bloody Mary), and Justice Society of America #14. 1: TheTarantula, Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. Comics may be read in whichever order the reader chooses. The Flash: Rebirth addresses the return of Barry Allen, The Red Circle explains the arrival of Red Circle Comics characters into DC continuity, Milestone Forever is a limited series that explains theincorporation of Milestone characters into DC continuity. Krypton Returns is a follow-up to the events of HEl on Earth. Presented as a new entry point (but not always new reader-friendly, to be honest), various changes were made to sort of update the characters and make them more attractive for newcomers. 5, The Mighty Crusaders: Origin Of ASuper-Team, Showcase Presents: The Doom Patrol Vol. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Ever since Marvel Comics Issue 1 debuted back in 1939 most of the stories printed take place in a shared universe. If you're looking to read DC Comics post-crisis, then here is the reading order you need to follow: 1. 2 #27, Batwing #27, Batgirl Vol. 2, Elseworlds: JLA: The Island of DoctorMoreau, JLA: Volume 12: The Obsidian Age BookTwo, Gotham Central: Volume 1: In the Line ofDuty, JLA/Avengers: Collectors Edition (OversizedHardcover), Gotham Central Book 1: In The Line ofDuty, The Worlds Greatest Super-Heroes (OversizedHardcover), Elseworlds: Batman: The Golden Streets ofGotham, DC Animated: Justice League Adventures Vol. Sins of Sinister: Immoral X-Men #1! The Complete Guide to DC Universe Events - every event in reading order! Batman Reading Order Support For Comic Book Herald: Comic Book Herald is reader-supported. Vous tes ici : breaking news cass county mi; bp trading and shipping development program salary; complete dc reading order . The numbers on the boxes around your content indicate the current reading order of the document. 1: Last Daughter of Krypton, Teen Titans Vol. DC Comics Comic book Reading, Writing, and Literature 10 comments Best Add a Comment jb_681131 2 yr. ago For a simple short cut the DC has multiple eras with their own continuity: 1938-1956 - The Golden Age 1956-1985 - The Silver and Bronze Age (aka pre-crisis) 1985-2011 - The 1st Modern Age (aka post-crisis, aka pre-flashpoint) Who will snatch the crown? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 2: Songs of theSirens, Daredevil Reading Order Super Wallpaper Site, The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror: Dead Man's Jest, Comic Issue Reading Order: 2099 (Marvel AlternateUniverse), Review: Judge Dredd The Complete Case Files Vol. The New 52, DC You, and DC Rebirth reading orders only contain in-continuity comic issues. X-Force 2022 in Review! Comics from the Golden and Silver Ages are contained in Part 1 of the reading order. 4 #28, Detective Comics Vol. Superman discovers he is dying and decides to form a group of heroes that will protect Earth in his absence. It does not require any past knowledge and can be read without interruption. 3: The Black Diamond Probability, Justice League Dark Vol. It only features the most important moments from the highest profile characters in the DC Universe. 5: Godkillers, Superman: Action Comics Vol. DCeased #1 (of 6) DCeased #2 (of 6) DCeased: Unkillables #1 (of 3) DCeased #3 (of 6) DCeased #4 (of 6) DCeased: A Good Day to Die (one-shot) DCeased #5 (of 6) Your email address will not be published. 2 #18, Batman and Robin Vol. 3: At the End of Days. We also have a few character(s) reading order : Lets begin with a listing of omnibus covering the New 52 era. Kara is done with people pushing her around, taking advantage of her and betraying her. Therefore, the same story may appear in the Chronology more than once. 1, The Green Lantern / Green ArrowCollection, Showcase Presents: House of Mystery Vol. For more details on this event, you can consult our Forever Evil Reading Order. I'm kicking off my own Indie Comics Month with a guide to the comic that started the Image Revolution (but has become a curious piece of somewhat lost media). 1, Showcase Presents: Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. Your email address will not be published. 1, Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1: The War That Time Forgot, Suicide Squad Vol. These drag artists range from beauty influencer pop stars to veteran va-va-voom show girls to YouTube rockers. in order of publication. Welcome to the DC Master Reading Order. 1, Harley Quinn by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti Vol. Log in. Let's go back in time, 10 years ago! This is also addressed inJustice League of America in the story When Worlds Collide., Prologue: Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns & Green Lantern #3542, Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps (2009) #1-3. 2 #52, Events: Superman: Savage Dawn, Robin War, Darkseid War, Final Days of Superman. DC Animated: Batman: The Brave and The Bold Vol. This is a reading order for all DC comics that are deemed important or are just enjoyable comics to read. 3, The Seven Soldiers of Victory Archives Vol. character appears will appear on the list. DC's new lineup was overwhelmingly white and male character-wise, and even more so behind the scenesthey infamously had only 2 women working on those 52 books, a drop from an embarrassing 12% to a shockingly bad 1%. The villains get the spotlight, thanks to Villains Month, in September 2013 in conjunction with the eventForever Evil (following Trinity War) and it was the first major crossover in the New 52. 1, Legion of Super-Heroes: An Eye For AnEye, The New Teen Titans: The Terror ofTrigon, Legion of Super Heroes: The More ThingsChange, Showcase Presents: Batman and theOutsiders, Green Lantern: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Vol. In the Touch Up Reading Order window, choose Show Order Panel. 3: Love and Death, Resurrection Man Vol. The latest jumping on point is DC Rebirth. Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Annual 4 Batman as Citizen Kane. 2, Justice League Of America Archives Vol. Supermans secret is exposed! ok. Yeah no. 3: The SpaceBetween, Super Friends Vol. 2, Showcase Presents: House of Mystery Vol. Then there is Flashpoint which radically changes the DC Universe and ushers in the New 52 era. Alert! This is followed by the 52 limited series and the One Year Later storylines, which explore the changes in the status quo of various heroes after the Infinite Crisis event. Legionnaires Annual 1 Afuturistic Knights of the Round Table. It can also help people with chronic illnesses manage their condition and/or monitor their response to treatment. DC Rebirth Reading Order - Complete Issue by Issue and Trade Reading Orders DC Rebirth Reading Order Reading Orders Welcome to our gigantic DC Rebirth Reading Order page. 2: The Face and theBrute, Review: Jonah Hex: Only The Good DieYoung, Comic Issue Reading Order: Hercules: Chaos War (MarvelEvent), Uncle Gorbys Corner Of Free Stuff: Spider-Man: The 1990s AnimatedSeries, Uncle Gorbys Corner of Free Stuff: Superman: The 1940sCartoons, Review: Batman: The Blue, The Grey, and theBat, Review: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Omnibus Volume1, Review: Superman Returns: The Movie and OtherTales, Uncle Gorbys Corner Of Free Stuff: X-Men: Evolution: The AnimatedSeries. 3: The Death of Magic, Trinity of Sin: Phantom Stranger Vol. 1, The Boy Commandos By Joe Simon and Jack Kirby Vol. Learn about the golden-skinned Marvel hero before he hits the silver screen in this new Guide to Adam Warlock! With the Justice League gone, Wally gathers the entire Flash Family in a desperate attempt to search the Speed Force and finally locate the missing Barry Allen. Infinite Frontier is the name of the new era of DC Comics, following DC Rebirth. It's my way of sharing my borderline obsessive addiction to the comic book medium, and I hope you like some of what's going on here. Issues:Dial H #0 to Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 4 #18, Nightwing Vol. For the Silver/Bronze age is was the introduction of the Comics Code, For the Modern Age it was the end of the Comics Code and the event "Crisis On Infinit Earths", For the future era, it's the ongoing Metal Event. Justice League of America Vol. This is a reading order for all DC comics published under the New 52 line, beginning after the Flashpoint event and ending with the Convergence event. Event Alert! Who Watched the Watchmen? DC Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete Third Season $23.99When purchased online In Stock Add to cart About this item Specifications Movie MPAA Rating: Nr Movie Studio: Warner Bros. Movie Category: Television Movie Genre: Film + TV + Radio Run Time (minutes): 1080 Software Format: Blu-ray Language: English Subtitle Language: French, Spanish The first part of the order contains all the Pre-Crisis comics and ends with the Crisis on Infinite Earths event. Justice League: The Justice League HerebyElects, Superman: Adventures Of Nightwing AndFlamebird, Batman: The Greatest Joker Stories EverTold, Showcase Presents: DC Comics Presents: SupermanTeam-Ups, Superman / Batman: The Saga of the SuperSons, Superboy: The Greatest Team-Ups EverTold, DC Comics Classics Library: The Justice League Of America by George Perez Vol. DC Reading Orders Welcome to the DC Universe. Single issue reading order. (DeluxeEdition), Batman / Superman / Wonder Woman:Trinity, JL: A New Beginning (Old Printing) Replaced by Justice League International Vol. Home | Forums | Order Stats | FAQs | Contact . Part 8 Issues: Superman: Earth One Vol. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Batman: Year One 3. I've been a comic book fan for most of my life, however only really got into the collecting of the comics (most specifically the tpb's). Required fields are marked *. Sins of Sinister, Part 2: Storm & the Brotherhood of Mutants #1in Review! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Annual 5 Several spoofs of Lobo in media properties like James Bond and 90210. 2, Crisis on Multiple Earths: The Team UpsVol.1, Justice League Of America Archives Vol. Set five years in The New 52s future, Prime Earth is feeling the after-effects of war across the multiverse. Event Alert! 2, Superman: The Action Comics Archives Vol. Legion of Super-Heroes (1989) Annual 5 The Legion as Wizard of Oz, Lobo (1993) Annual 2 Several Western-style spoofs, New Titans (1988) Annual 10 A fantasy story, Robin (1993) Annual 3 Robin in feudal Japan, Steel (1994) Annual 1 Set in the Revolutionary War, Superboy (1994) Annual 1 Continues the story from Adventures of Superman, Superman Annual 6 Superman in the19th century Indiam junglein the style of Mowgli and Tarzan, Superman: The Man of Steel Annual 3 A story of more than just Superman moving from Krypton to Earth, Team Titans (1992) Annual 2 A space opera, Team Titans (1992) #17-20 (need to check). 1: Hostile World, Green Lantern: New Guardians Vol. If you are mainly interested in the Post-Crisis DC Universe you should skip this part and begin reading at Part 2. 2, Jack Kirbys Fourth World Featuring: MisterMiracle, Showcase Presents: House of Secrets Vol. Here are all the issues concerned: Detective Comics Vol. universes you want to view. Will try some other titles first then and hopefully it updates soon. Learn more Seller information 1: Room andBoredom, Justice League Of America Vol. 1: Deja Vu All Over Again, Justice League 3001 Vol. 3: Rotworld The Red Kingdom, Swamp Thing Vol. 1, The Seven Soldiers of Victory Archives Vol. 2 #28, Birds of Prey Vol. 2: Prisoners of the Past, Robin, Son of Batman Vol. 4: The Beauty ofDecay, Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: Hellmouth Reading Order: How to read the Buffy/Angel Boom Studios event? His life no longer private and his powers decreasing, Superman embarks on a journey across the United States, seeking to rediscover his heroic nature in Truth. We are in September 2011 and it's the beginning of a new era for DC Comics, named The New 52. Part of Crushing Krisis's Crushing Comics. JSA (1999?) It's a RuPaul''s Drag Race anniversary ball! JLA: Tower of Babel 10. Event Alert! 5:Heroes, Green Lantern: Guy Gardner: Collateral Damage1+2, Green Arrow: Connor Hawke: DragonsBlood, Mystery in Space: Mystery in Space VolumeOne, Mystery in Space: Mystery in Space VolumeTwo, Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side ofGreen, Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume1, Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume2, Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps Wars Vol. 2 #9, Teen Titans Vol. Stories published by DC, but taking place outside the DC Universe, will not be listed in the Chronology. 2, The Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. The Controls: There are five different control selectors that can be used to filter and search the chronology. DC Rebirth #1 Watchmen #1-12 Superman (New 52) #32-39 Aquaman (New 52) #49-52 Justice League (New 52) #40-45 Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman #1 Justice League: Darkseid War: Flash #1 Justice League: Darkseid War: Superman #1 Thanks a lot. "The aggressive project strategy deployed to complete this project on schedule is a total reflection of federal government sensitivities in identifying and easing the plight of the Nigerians;. Event Alert! Zero Year is a yearlong comic book crossover event detailing the New 52 origin of the Dark Knight, as well as adventures featuring other characters during that period (Barbara Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Barry Allen, John Stewart, and others). Earth 2: Worlds End was a weekly companion series to the event Futures End, but taking place in the current timeline. It proceeds directly after the New 52 and DC You reading orders. It also focuses on new or reintroduced characters, while allowing writers more creative freedom in telling their stories. No trade paperback collects all those issues, which are: Detective Comics Vol. The Culling: Rise of the Ravagers is a crossover event with The Teen Titans and the teen heroes from Legion Lost trapped in a deadly arena where young teen metahumans must fight each other to the death for survival! 1, Superman: The Man Of Tomorrow Archives Vol. Lets notice that there is no event during that time. 1) The Essential Order: Pulling off the Complete/Main order (described above), it lists just those issues considered a must read, either because of quality or because it contains important background for understanding current day marvel. Absolute power corrupts absolutelyand the Guardians time is finally here in Green Lantern: Rise of the Third Army, a storyline that leads into the Wrath of the First Lantern. Suicide Squad, Superman Reborn, The Lazarus Contract, Dark Nights: Metal, Heroes in Crisis, Drowned Earth, Event Leviathan, City of Bane, The Infected,Joker War, Dark Nights: Death Metal, Endless Winter, Future State. One of the unique features of the DC Universe is the Crisis events. After the event all characters were given new and updated origin stories. For more information, see our reading Order. The Controls: There are five different control selectors that can be used to filter and search the chronology. It's the Marvel Omnibus Reprint Poll 2023 from Near Mint Condition! 2: Beyond Hope, Red Lanterns Vol. Event alert! This is where Morrisons run on Batman ends. Issues: Action Comics #6 to Legionnaires #4, Events: Jack Kirbys Fourth World, Aquaman: Death of a Prince, Crisis on Infinite Earths, First Appearances: Batman, Big Barda, Bizarro, Brainiac, Catwoman, The Creeper, Deathstroke, Doom Patrol, Jimmy Olsen, John Constantine, Joker, Krypto, Metal Men, Metallo, New Gods, Parasite, Solomon Grundy, Supergirl, Swamp Thing. Welcome to the DC Rebirth Reading Order. DC Animated: Justice League Unlimited Vol. 3: The Crack in Creation, Superman/Wonder Woman Vol. 1, Batman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told Vol. The beginning of a new one. 1: The Magnificent Seven(Digest), DC Animated: Justice League Adventures Vol. My Guide to Uncanny X-Men in the 90s covers more than 20 crossovers, events, and storylines - now completely covered in collected editions! Event Alert! Impulse: Bart Saves The Universe (1999)is a one-shot sequel to Zero Hour, with Extant returned to try his plot again. 3, Superman: The Action Comics Archives Vol. These two events helped fuel the speculator boom of the early 90s and ultimately played a significant part in the collapse of the comic book market. Stories published by DC, but taking place outside the DC Universe, will not be listed in the Chronology. Batman: Whatever Happened To The CapedCrusader? Sins of Sinister Part 4: Immoral X-Men #1 in Review! If this is where you want to start reading head to the DC Master Reading Order Part 6 and begin reading after Infinite Crisis. This has been carefully curated by ourselves to be complete and in chronological order for those wanting to either start reading it fresh or to find a suitable place to jump in. Dark Nights: Metal: The Nightmare Batmen. 1: United They Stand(Digest), Justice League Unlimited: Worlds GreatestHeroes. The Mutants FromHell, Elseworlds: Batman: The Brotherhood of theBat, Birds of Prey: Black Canary/Oracle: Birds ofPrey, The Amalgam Age of Comics: The DC ComicsCollection, The Amalgam Age of Comics: The Marvel ComicsCollection, DC Animated: Batman: The Collected Adventures Vol. In the aftermath of Green Lantern: Lights Out, Highfather learns that ring-wielders stole secrets from beyond the Source Wall! Event Alert! Collects: The Red Death #1, Batman: The Devastator #1, Batman: The Merciless #1, Batman: The Murder Machine #1, Batman: The Drowned #1, Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1, The Batman Who Laughs #1 and Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt #1. 2: In the Shadow of Ancients, Green Lantern Vol. To reset the list to all characters choose the "" option. Issues:Gotham Academy #7 to Justice League Vol. Batman: Requiem is a crossover dealing with the aftermath of Batman Incorporated (Volume2). During that period, Blackhawks, Hawk and Dove, Men of War, Mister Terrific, O.M.A.C., and Static Shock titles will not go beyond their eighth issue and DC launched new titles dubbed the Second Wave: Dial H, Earth 2, G.I. 1: Rogues Gallery(Digest), DC Animated: The Batman Adventures Vol. Watchmen and The Darkness Within. #11-15 features another return of extant. 5: A Savage End, Superman: Action Comics Vol. 1: Up, Up and Away(Digest), DC Animated: Superman Adventures Vol. 2: Shadows and Masks(Digest), Challengers of the Unknown: Stolen Moments, BorrowedTime, Books of Magick: Life During Wartime: Book1, Constantine: The Official MovieAdaptation, Superman: The Greatest Stories Ever Told Vol. The continuity of the New 52 continues in the DC You Reading Order. Stories are separated by the individual universe in which they occur and are sorted in chronological order. Event Alert! 3: The Voice in the Fire, our full reading order dedicated to Convergence, Earth 2: Society Vol. 1: Year of Blood, Doctor Fate Vol. Harley Quinn: Preludes & Knock, Knock Jokes, John Constantine, Hellblazer: Red Sepulchre, John Constantine, Hellblazer: All His Engines, Legion of Super-Heroes: Teenage Revolution, Teen Titans: The Death and Return of Donna Troy, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Day of Vengeance, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: The OMAC Project, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: The Rann-Thanagar War, Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Villains United, Infinite Crisis Aftermath: Battle for Bludhaven. This feature lists the stories which take place in the DC Multiverse. A lot of the Golden and Silver age comics rely on extreme amounts of coincidence for their plots, which doesnt always make for the easiest reading. Event alert! Honestly this isnt recommended for everyone. If those options dont seem complete enough for you and you want to read thousands of comics covering the breadth of the DC Universe head to the DC Master Reading Order and dig in. 1, Superman: The Action Comics Archives Vol. Who Watched the Watchmen? 2, The Silver Age Teen Titans Archives Vol. 1: War of the Monsters, Justice League International Vol. The Flash #783 - On Sale June 21, 2022. Fast Track Guide to Classic DC Comics (1942 to 2000), Fast Track Guide To the Modern DCU (2000 to 2011), Frank Millers Batman Year One & Dark Knight Returns,, A legion of teens is putting on the yellow R and following in the footsteps of their crime-fighting icons. Issues:DC Universe: Rebirth #1 toFuture State: Immortal Wonder Woman #2, Events: Night of the Monster Men, Justice League vs. This Superman event is followed by the storyline Krypton Returns, which will also link into Lobdells run in Teen Titans and Superman #23.3, which featured HEl in the Forever Evil event. To skip ahead, simply choose a higher number, and the list will skip forward to that point. 4: Life After Death, Justice League of America: Power and Glory, We Are Robin Vol. It can then be used to advance quickly through the list. 2: Hunt and Be Hunted, Trinity of Sin: Pandora Vol. ), Day of Vengeance: Infinite Crisis Special #1, JSA: Mixed Signals #1 (collectsCollecting JSA #76-81), Blue Beetle (2006) #1-6 (this intersects with the event, but Im not sure how/where), Sacrifice: Superman #219 > Action Comics #829> Adventures of Superman #642>Wonder Woman #219, During #4: Sacrifice Epilogue: Wonder Woman #220 and Adventures of Superman #643 (published earlier, but fits after WW220), Robin (1993) #143 > Hawkman (2002) #46 > Robin (1993) #144, Superman #222 > Wonder Woman (1987) #221 > Adventures of Superman #645, Prelude to Infinite Crisis (2005) One-Shot, Villains United (2005) Infinite Crisis Special, Flash (1987) #219 >Wonder Woman (1987) #214, and then back to Flash (1987( #220-225, Nightwing (1996) #109-112 (Black Mask) & Hawkman #41-42 between #109-110, Flash #225 (Final issue of Rogue War from Flash #220-225), Gotham Central #37-40 (an arc for Renee Montoya that plays out atop events of Infinite Crisis), Superman #226 >Action Comics #836 >Adventures of Superman #649, Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006) #16, Catwoman (2002) #71 (need to check placement), Captain Carrot and the Final Ark (2007) #1-3, Countdown Presents: Lord Havok & the Extremists (2007) #1-6, Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer: Crime Society (2007) #1, Gotham by Gaslight (2008) #1,Red Rain (2008) #1,Red Son (2008) #1, Superwoman/Batwoman (2008) #1, Wildstorm (2007) #1, Countdown Special: Eclipso (2008) #1, Jimmy Olsen (2008) #1, Kamandi (2008) #1, OMAC (2008) #1,The Atom (2008) #1-2, The Flash (2007) #1, The New Gods (2008) #1. Comics may be read in whichever order the reader chooses. The queens of Drag Race Belgique are tasked with shooting commercials for national foods and portraying comic book characters on the runway, in an episode that felt tailor-made for me (except for the judging). Sandman Mystery Theatre Vol. Lets begin by pointing out that there is no official DC mini-era during New 52, and it is then a personal way to split the period to make it a little easier to apprehend. 1: Deadman and Challengers of the Unknown, Demon Knights Vol. 1, The Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 7 #23, Events: Batman: Zero Year, The Culling, Night of the Owls, Rise of the Third Army, Wrath of the First Lantern, Rotworld, Throne of Atlantis, Superman: Hel on Earth, Death of the Family, Green Lantern: Lights Out, Batman: Requiem, Gothtopia, Trinity War, Forever Evil, Forever Evil: Blight, Krypton Returns, Red Daughter of Krypton, Superman: Doomed, Robin Rises, Green Lantern: Uprising, New 52: Futures End, Green Lantern: Godhead, Batman: Endgame, Multiversity, Convergence. 1, Superman: The Worlds Finest Comics Archives Vol. ), Drag Race Sverige Season 1 Pre-Season Meet The Queens Power Ranking, Drag Race Belgique Season 1, Episode 2 Les Incontournables Review & Power Ranking, RuPauls Drag Race Season 15, Episode 9 The Crystal Ball: Episode 200 & Crystalized Eleganza design challenge Review & Power Ranking, Vote in the The Marvel Omnibus Reprint Poll 2023 (plus, my next LIVE appearance on Near Mint Condition), Updated: Guide to X-Men Vol. 2: A Matter of Death and Life, Superman: Action Comics Vol.