Please contact his fellow Board Memebers to inform them of his actions. let's see how public domain comes into play when we gleen negative comments about Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Copyright 2022 Consumers Unified LLC. because the more times it's written, the more times it pops up when googledand hopefully 2023 Cond Nast. "It's harrowing," he said. Oh, and feel free to contact the company who says they serve the military. When a data breach occurs, consumers may be able to unite and file a class action lawsuit against the company that failed to . Star Seller Class Action Lawsuit? buys Wilmette home for $1.25M" and "Law firm partner sells Lincoln Park 4BD for $1.015M." In other words, no-they would not remove it. Its location on this page may change next time you visit. And to make it mandatory we provide them with our badges, identification and court records, is outright absurd. --------- Another of the aggrieved started an anonymous anti-Blockshopper blog, which professes to tell "the truth about and scumbag owners Timothy Landon, Brian Timpone and Edward Weinhaus." Complain to google, yahoo and to classify site as fraud and it will be blocked. Resolved. It looks like they hijack your information whether you like it or not. After that date all complaints need to be filed with the St. Louis, MO BBB. "We're going to link to a page that describes what happened in the lawsuit," Timpone said. Submit a complaint and get your issue resolved. E-cigarette brand Juul consumers are filing lawsuits against Juul for not warning consumers about the nicotine and other potentially dangerous ingredients contained in its vaporizer oils. Our content is intended to be used for general information purposes only. Links are "one of the accepted methods of dissemination of information on the Internet," Klenk said. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Read our affiliate link policy. I write about small business owners investing fails, lessons & wins. I'm talking about: I'm just adding my name to the list of people that loathe them! I would like to participate in a class action lawsuit against You may be eligible for payment if you received such a call since Oct. 16, 2020. They told me it requires crime with a police report first to be be removed. Subaru has settled a case alleging that the batteries in Subaru vehicles drain prematurely, and that the company was aware of the defect but failed to warn consumers. These injuries can be physical or financial, ranging from concussions to money lost on products that were defective or falsely advertised. Usually those searches are done by licensed professionals such as realtors and attorneys subject to ethical standards of propriety. BlockShopper posts information from public records on residential sales in 11 U.S. markets. and/or a potential cash payment of up to $250. Top Class Actions has helped law firms across the country successfully find plaintiffs for class action lawsuits & mass torts since 2008, receiving tens of thousands of leads per month. ConsumerAffairs is not a government agency. Consumer Action maintains this listing of notable class actions so that interested consumers can learn more, join a pending action or make a claim. Claim deadline is Tuesday, 11 April 2023. We value your privacy. does not have the right to provide names. Under the settlement, Blockshopper can continue to link to Jones Day's site, but it must use the firm's Web address as the link. Evanston, Illinois Their # is 314.645.3300. Putting our service members information on this site puts them at risk if they have had even the slightest involvment with local Iraqi nationals while deployed. The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction. I've already contacted (e-mailed) my state senators and congressional representatives about the website. Soon thereafter, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Public Citizen jointly filed an amici curiae brief on behalf of BlockShopper, pointing out the obvious: "linking is what web sites dothat is, after all, why it is called the 'World Wide Web'. A small Web site was launched in 2006 called Blockshopper.comfor the purpose of assisting buyers and sellers in the market for real estate to find the best deal possible. In 2019, the ADA filed a class action lawsuit against the Delta Dental Plans and the Delta Dental Plans Association, and in January, the federal district court for the Northern District of Illinois amended its scheduling order to allow the parties additional time to conduct discovery. Class action lawsuit settlements from some major brands have claim deadlines in June 2022. Those who owned or leased a 2015-2020 Outback, 2015-2020 Forester, 2015-2020 Legacy, 2015-2020 WRX and 2019-2020 Ascent (except consumers in Alaska or Hawaii), Claim deadline is Thursday, 09 March 2023. [protected] But to be thorough and fair, they should check to see if the person they are about to post has been a victim of some kind of criminal act. I am sending this message to all their advertisers: The breach affected over 3.3 Claim deadline is Wednesday, 12 April 2023. Most sites will delete will just a request and somtimes an IDthese people might AMEND your listing At the time, BlockShopper had incurred $10,000 in legal fees. Law360 provides the intelligence you need to remain an expert and beat the competition. There responses were "its public But if they get a flood of them, and if it is from an organized group that says there is a deadline to remove ads or there will be a consumer boycott, then it will get their attention. Is this truly a matter of First Amendment rights? No matter, Timpone is expanding. However, my address still comes up when you google my name and its a very uncommon last name. they're hurting alreadyI can tell A $4 million settlement has been reached in a class action alleging that All-Clad misrepresented its cookware as dishwasher-safe. I threatened to contact an attorney and she sent me a reply back stating the following: "You can contact the recorder and assessor's office in the county you reside. A class-action lawsuit is a civil case filed on behalf of a group, collectively known as the "class," who believe they've suffered common injuries as a result of the defendant's actions. Contact the DOJ or your states attorney general's office and file a complaint instead. The breach affected over 3.3 million Audi buyers. Service 5 Value 5 Quality 4 I plan to contact my county recorder or assessor's office to have this removed from my record at the county level which, in turn, should have it removed from's website. The list includes the address, the names of the homeowner(s), the date of purchase and the price paid. We also can push your legitimate claim rate up to 25%, depending on your settlement, with our various strategies to broadcast your message. Evanston, Illinois ", Unfortunately, the judge in the case refused to even look at the brief after Jones Day said the brief sided with one party (as most amicus briefs do); he also refused to dismiss the case at the request of BlockShopper. As of 4/12/2010, I emailed requesting my personal name be removed and she replied via email that it was public information. I agree. I can't believe that they are legal? You can be liable even without creating a false sense that the person in question endorses your product or service; the key is that you are exploiting the plaintiff's identity to drive traffic or obtain some other commercial benefit. 855.300.4459. I find it literally unbelievable that BlockShopper will NOT remove your information by simply asking them to opt out. Veteran class action attorneys John Yanchunis and Ryan McGee filed the class action lawsuit. My request was denied. Coordinated e-mail campaign: Individual e-mails isn't going to do it. and wants to explore a class action lawsuit We too have the right to speak. Sample Blockshopper headlines: "Portfolio manager spends $2.975M for Brooklyn Heights 5BD," "Harris S.V.P. If you purchased certain types of Claim deadline is Monday, 03 April 2023. Jones Day sued BlockShopper in August after it posted articles about Dan Malone Jr. and Jacob Tiedt, lawyers at its Chicago office who had recently bought condos. It is equally unwise to use someone else's name as the title of your website or blog, especially if you host advertisements. Were unlisted in the phone book and maintain carefully crafted presences on the Web. Companies displayed may pay us to be Authorized or when you click a link, call a number or fill a form on our site. A stalker could google your name and conveniently provides them with your address. A class action lawsuit was filed against Summit Utilities on Thursday (March 2) claiming the gas company is not working in good faith and is price-gouging its c I am another in total agreement. The website reports on the home purchases of the kinda-rich in 15 U.S. metropolitan areas. They will call the prosperous buyer if that's what it takes to confirm an identity. Although the info is public record, at least with the court house they monitor. They are an unethical company that recklessly publishes personal information online. If you received a notice of the 2021 ransomware attack, you may be eligible for a cash payment of at least $100 (up to $8,500, depending on your related out-of-pocket expenses and monetary losses). information". - Feb 20, 2009 6:05 pm UTC. If you purchased certain Coffee-Mate products between Jan. 1, 2017, and Dec. 8, 2022, you may be eligible for Claim deadline is Tuesday, 14 March 2023. Blockshopper says it spent more than $100,000 defending itself against the lawsuit. In the interest of encouraging you to stop doing business with, I am emailing all of my gmail and Facebook contacts and outlining how your continuing support of this business is putting my life in danger. All rights reserved. Saint Louis, MO 60206 [protected] Apple has agreed to pay $50 million to settle a lawsuit claiming that 2015-2019 versions of the MacBook laptop were sold with defective keyboards. Should there not be the option to opt out of having your information posted in this forum? 725 Glenayre Dr If anything gets started please let me know. A tiny startup that was threatened by a massive law firm over nothing more than a humble hyperlink has been forced to settle and change its linking policies, handing Goliath the win in this gratuitous trademark case. If the company uses public info, they should do research as well to ensure safety. [CDATA[*/var out = '',el = document.getElementsByTagName('span'),l = ['>','a','/','<',' 103',' 114',' 111',' 46',' 110',' 111',' 105',' 116',' 99',' 97',' 45',' 114',' 101',' 109',' 117',' 115',' 110',' 111',' 99',' 64',' 114',' 111',' 116',' 105',' 100',' 101','>','\"',' 103',' 114',' 111',' 46',' 110',' 111',' 105',' 116',' 99',' 97',' 45',' 114',' 101',' 109',' 117',' 115',' 110',' 111',' 99',' 64',' 114',' 111',' 116',' 105',' 100',' 101',':','o','t','l','i','a','m','\"','=','f','e','r','h','a ','<'],i = l.length,j = el.length;while (--i >= 0)out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^\s\s*/, ''));while (--j >= 0)if (el[j].getAttribute('data-eeEncEmail_eFuWlDuFrd'))el[j].innerHTML = out;/*]]>*/. , a real estate site, from linking to the law firm's Web site. by . Claim deadline is Wednesday, 12 April 2023. Open. Ad Choices. Synchrony Bank, an issuer of retail credit cards, has agreed to pay $2.6 million to settle a lawsuit alleging that the company made prerecorded calls to consumers cell phones without their consent, regarding accounts they did not have. The two sides talked about a settlement almost before the ink was dry on Jones Day's suit. arbitration or mediation. Besides putting us as risk, their business is using our names for purposes of profit. If you are a former AT&T customer who had an unlimited data plan at any time between Oct. 1, 2011, and June 30, 2015, and you experienced data throttling but have not received a bill credit or payment from AT&T related to this case, you can submit a claim. The website, owned by Timothy Landon and Brian Timpone of Chicago, posted my sisters name and address on their site, so her name would automatically pop up in a Google search. --------- This is a huge privacy and safety concern for those who want to remain anonymous. The site has taken public records from county recorders offices around the country and compiled lists of data by neighborhood block for as many homes on that block as possible. Our Legal/Marketing First Amendment team can be reached at our Chicago office. Be the first one to find this review helpful. For reasons still unbeknownst to the world, however, Jones Day was very displeased by these links and filed a lawsuit against BlockShopper in September of 2008, leveling the odd charge of trademark dilution.,, Check out the list below to find out if you qualify to benefit! Jones Day did not return calls requesting comment. I should be able to automatically prevent my name from showing up on BlockShopper, especially when its tied to my home address. According to Virginia's vandalism statutes, that is now enough to be felony vandalism. I have and so have many others. --------- The company settled a class action lawsuit alleging that its Claim deadline is Friday, 12 May 2023. Unsubscribe easily. This is an outfit of a handful of young men, who started this in 2006a QUICK, EASY way to sell This information is out there for anybody to see. I told her that if by a certain date my name and my husbands name is not removed I will be filing a lawsuit because I am not free and I am not cheap. I dont even use Facebook! If you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater, you can't list people's information if they have a safety concern and want the info removed. delete someone's address upon request One more thought. [protected] But I have filed a complaint with the attorney general of California. 3. the web with regard to If youre a resident of California, it doesnt matter if you own property in other states. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 1/1/20) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 1/1/20) and Ars Technica Addendum (effective 8/21/2018). You may be eligible for a payment of up to $80 if you purchased any of the products between Sept. 3, 2015, and Aug. 12, 2022. Depending on whether or not your All-Clad had sharp edges after Claim deadline is Monday, 27 March 2023. If a company gets a random e-mail here and there it'll remain under the radar. The law firm claimed the links made it appear it was endorsing Blockshopper. Former AT&T customers may be eligible to claim a refund from the $7 million remaining in a fund required by the Federal Trade Commission in 2019 to settle allegations that the wireless provider charged for unlimited data planswhile reducing their data speedsa practice known as throttling. Well start sending you the news you need delivered straight to you. Broker, Mortgage Planner, Edward Rivera work officer. When Ive googled the company, a ton of stuff comes up about class action lawsuits and how its notoriously difficult to get anything taken down. Doesn't anyone in the legal world see the dangers of the fact that with a few clicks a pedophile can look up child online and then if that child has a unique last name, see where they live and also find out where they go to school? They're . I don't think so ! Pictures and bios of the one who run Blockshopper: Let's get organized. We work closely with class action and mass tort attorneys across the country to help expose and uncover corporate wrongdoing. Timpone discovered the ruse and persuaded the man to pull down the website. Brand Insider Summit CPG March 26 - 29, 2023, Scottsdale Marketing: Automotive April 5, 2023, NYC - Javits Brand Insider Summit Retail April 16 - 19, 2023, Hilton Head Exploitative Purpose: Right of Publicity You may be eligible for payment if you received such a call Claim deadline is Thursday, 30 March 2023. The site has taken public records from county recorders offices around the country and compiled lists of data by neighborhood block for as many homes on that block as possible. I say we call ourselves blockstopper and let the fight begin Mr Timothy J. Landon, is also on the Board of Directors of Once of Prevention. At the time, BlockShopper had incurred $10,000 in legal fees. Mr Tim Landon is also on the board of directors for American Public Education, Inc. 102 Ladue Aire Dr Absolutely horrible abuse of public information. Law360 may contact you in your professional capacity with information about our other products, services and events that we believe may be of interest.Youll be able to update your communication preferences via the unsubscribe link provided within our communications.We take your privacy seriously. That's not the real problem. This website publicly posts names, addresses and other private information of sworn public officials including law enforcement officers. game on, boyz Timothy Landon, Evanston When contacted her response is nothing posted on her site isnt already easily obtained or available online because it is public record. So my advice to anyone concerned about this website DO NOT send them a copy of your badge, ID, or court records, hoping to get your information removed.