In the past, Medusa was a priest of Aphrodite and was a very beautiful woman. Hence, she transported Perseus from Seriphos to an abandoned amphitheater in Joppa, having instinctively foreseen that her doing so would set him on a path of fears and hardships. Mr. Toad | Anarky | Ra's al Ghul | Deathstroke | Harvey Dent | Killer Croc | Simon Stagg | Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad | Man-Bat | Cypher | Magpie | Lady Shiva | Tobias Whale | Phosphorus Rex | Lunkhead | Humpty Dumpty | Silver Monkey | Key | Bethany Ravencroft | Daedalus Boch | Junkyard Dog | Sapphire Stagg | Matatoa | Anatol Mykros, Harley Quinn E.T. Broker | Powers / Skills Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. The Dark Knight Rises: League of Shadows (Bane, Talia al Ghul & Barsad) | Catwoman | John Daggett | Phillip Stryver | Ra's al Ghul | Scarecrow David Li | Medusa is one of the secondary antagonists of Clash of the Titans and its 2010 remake. Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Joker | Scarecrow | Queen of Fables | Darkseid | Parademons | Penguin | Mr. Cluemaster | Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons: Starro | Lex Luthor | Penguin, Television Ghostbusters: Ghosts (Ghostbusters) | Gozer | Library Ghost | Stay Puft Marshmallow Man | Terror Dogs With Laurence Olivier, Claire Bloom, Maggie Smith, Ursula Andress. Cluemaster | Deacon Blackfire | David Cain | Batman Forever: Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar | Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang (Neon Gang Leader) | Salvatore Maroni Clash of the Titans (film series) - Wikipedia In the final struggle between Perseus and Calibos, the latter is finally killed by the former - Perseus' sword embedded into Calibos' chest. During the Titanomachy, Hades, created a giant monster called the Kraken to help them against the Titans. Gearhead | The Lego Batman Movie: Joker | Harley Quinn | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Agent Smith, Jaws, Gremlins, Medusa, Lord Vampyre, Wicked Witch of the West, Flying Monkeys, The Swamp Creature & Daleks) | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Two-Face | Bane | Riddler | Salvatore Maroni Velociraptors, Bad Guys The Devastator | Portal 2: Cave Johnson | GLaDOS | Turrets | Wheatley Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants: Penguin | Mr. Batman (1989): Joker | Joker Goons (Bob Hawkins) | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Antoine Rotelli | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill | Harvey Dent Phosphorus Rex | A sequel entitled Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: The Flash was released in 2018. Robin King | Outsiders Villains | Ventriloquist III | The LEGO Batman Movie: Agent Smith | Bane (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Clayface | Harley Quinn (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Joker (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Kraken | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow (The LEGO Batman Movie) | Two-Face (The LEGO Batman Movie) Kibpocalypse | Snow and the Clash of Kings Wiki | Fandom The Kraken then crumbled into pieces, falling into the ocean. Joker | Penguin | Bane | Catwoman | Mr. Court of Owls | Zeus is a major character in Clash of the Titans and the 2010 remake and the tritagonist of Wrath of the Titans. Amygdala | Dealer | Calibos attacked Perseus, only to lose his hand to Perseus' sword. Batman: Year One: Batman | Gotham City Police Department (Commissioner Loeb, Arnold John Flass & Howard Branden) | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone & Johnny Viti) | Catwoman | Joker Doctor Who: Clockwork Repair Droids | CyberKing | Cybermen | Daleks | Dalek Emperor | Davros | Ice Warriors | Missy | Rusty | Silents | Sontarans | Weeping Angels Freeze | Clayface, See Also Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Emperor Penguin | Alias Curtis Base | Sonic the Hedgehog: Badniks | Chaos | Dr. Eggman | Mecha Sonic | Metal Sonic | Robo-Sonic | Shadow the Hedgehog | Tails Doll Timecode | Theogony, The Clash of the Titans- how well do you understand? Films [ edit] The Kraken in the 2010 film remake of "Clash of the Titans". Martin "Mad Dog" Hawkins | Batman (1966): Penguin | Catwoman | Joker | Riddler Ubu | I am an admin of this site. General Ulysses Armstrong | Humpty Dumpty | Two-Face (Earth-2) | Clash of the Titans (2010 film) - Wikipedia Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider & KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy The Batman Who Laughs | Dark Archer | Spellbinder | Harley Quinn Villains | This is Thesecret1070. Calculator | Nightwing Villains | Powers / Skills Origin Batman: Assault on Arkham: Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, King Shark, Black Spider & KGBeast) | Joker | Riddler | Penguin | Scarecrow | Victor Zsasz | Bane | Two-Face | Poison Ivy Mr. Bloom | Don't forget to add your VOTES Wiki created August 20, 2009 Chosen Ones The Gods The UnderWorld Villians Freeze | Thomas Elliot Lex Luthor | Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler | Clayface | Mr Freese | Sweet Tooth, Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures Freeze | Bane | Snowy Cones Thugs | Golums | Jason Woodrue Years later, Hades was freed by Zeus when he gave Kronos a potion which made him vomit Hades and his siblings as well as the stone substituted for Zeus. the Extra-Terrestrial: Composite Superman | Condiment King | Harley Quinn | Kraken (Clash of The Titans) | VS Titan Wiki | Fandom Hades (Clash of the Titans) | Villains Wiki | Fandom Onomatopoeia | Now mortal permanently, Hades decides to live as a mortal and leaves after Zeus passes away. Zeus is a major character in Clash of the Titans and the 2010 remake and the tritagonist of Wrath of the Titans. Savage Skull | Crimes Sofia Falcone | Despite remaining an aloof and distant father, Zeus still guides his son, Perseus, throughout his times of need. Lord Business | Electrocutioner | Fortunately for Andromeda, Perseus arrived just in the nick of time to save her: killing the Kraken with Medusa's head, turning it to stone. Batman and Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy | Floronic Man Later on, she was also revealed to be the Patron Goddess of the Kingdom of Joppa, and was in a romantic relationship with Poseidon, who was devoted to her. Maxwell Lord | Destroying civilizations and killing humans Goals The Batman (2022): Riddler | Falcone Crime Syndicate (Carmine Falcone, Penguin, William Kenzie, The Twins & Vinnie) | Catwoman | Salvatore Maroni | Riddler's Cult | Pete Savage | Gil Colson | Don Mitchell Jr. | Train Gang | Joker, Direct-to-video Movies Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem: Joker | Scarecrow | Clayface | Silver Banshee | Solomon Grundy Catwoman Villains | Maxie Zeus | The Eraser | Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman: Penguin | Bane | Rupert Thorne | Carlton Duquesne Lock-Up | Killer Croc | Poison Ivy | Thetis | Clash of the Titans Wiki | Fandom 1.1 Original Film; 1.2 2010 Remake; Contents 1 Plot 1.1 Greeks & Heroes 1.2 Gods & Prophets 1.3 Creatures & Titans 1.4 Locations 2 Cast 3 Soundtrack Duplo Aliens | He is the Greek god of death, the ruler of the Underworld, and the evil brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Category:Villains | Clash of the Titans Wiki | Fandom Athena is a character in Clash of the Titans and its 2010 remake of the same name. Freeze | Cheetah | Hush | Mad Hatter | Two-Face | Bane | Chemo | Killer Croc | Clayface | Joker | Dr. Kirk Langstrom Tigger, A hyperactive and brave tiger who loves to bounce Travis Oates as Piglet, a small timid Pig who is always easily-frightened by everything and is Pooh's best friend. Crazy Quilt | Athena also wears a snake around her shoulders. Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem: Joker | Scarecrow | Clayface | Silver Banshee | Solomon Grundy The Dawnbreaker | Victor Zsasz | Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday Ragdoll | Great White Shark | Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Lex Luthor | Major Force | Metallo | Amanda Waller | Toyman | Solomon Grundy | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Lady Shiva | Giganta | Mongul | Captain Cold Batman (1989): Joker | Joker Goons (Bob Hawkins) | Alicia Hunt | Carl Grissom | Max Eckhardt | Antoine Rotelli | Vinnie Ricorso | Joe Chill | Harvey Dent Hades then sent his Harpies to steal Medusa's head from Perseus to prevent him from defeating the Kraken, but Perseus retrieved it and flew on Pegasus to Argos to confront the Kraken. Lady Shiva | However, Piglet is kindhearted and tries to be brave to conquer his fears. In real life, krakens are found in the Norse mythology (Scandanavia and Greenland) and are absent from Greek mythology. Planet Master | Making Friends and Influencing Villains! Co-produced between the United Kingdom and United States, it was . Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy Freeze | Cheetah | Hush | Mad Hatter | Two-Face | Bane | Chemo | Killer Croc | Clayface | Joker | Dr. Kirk Langstrom Court of Owls (Jacob Kane, Constance Cobblepot & Talons) | League of Shadows (Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul & Man-Bat Commandos) | Gotham City Police Department (Catherine Kane) | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Mr. Risky Business | Sensei | Thomas & Friends - Series 25-present era | Idea Wiki | Fandom The film was released on July 21st, 2021. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. After their entry, Medusa shoots arrows on them and manages to injure Draco and to make Solon fall into a pit of lava. Batman Begins: Ra's al Ghul | League of Shadows (Ra's Decoy) | Scarecrow | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Victor Zsasz & Arnold Flass) | Joe Chill In this movie, it is the pet of Poseidon, and Zeus orders it to destroy Argos to punish Acrisius, the king of Argos, for casting his wife and Perseus into the sea. Mad Monk | Gremlins | Harry Potter: Bellatrix Lestrange | Death Eaters | Dementors | Draco Malfoy | Lord Voldemort Through this punishment, Zeus also ensured that Thetis' plans for Calibos to become ruler of all Joppa and Phoenicia by marrying the Princess Andromeda were forever ruined. The goddess of the sea, Thetis, then unleashes it on the city of Joppa as an excuse to punish Perseus. Composite Superman | Class of the Titans | Class of the titans Wiki | Fandom Batman & Mr. Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats Brother EYE | Mr. Bloom | Type of Villain Faceless | Origin White Rabbit | Clash of the Titans Zodiac Master, Theatrical Movies Joker | Lex Luthor | Harley Quinn | Riddler | Two-Face | Catwoman | Bane | Penguin | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Captain Boomerang | Clayface | Mad Hatter | Ra's al Ghul | Killer Croc | Bane | Killer Moth | Mr. Abraham Langstrom | Merrymaker | Contents 1 History 1.1 Early life 1.2 Clash of the Titans 1.3 In between Films 1.4 Wrath of the Titans 2 Physical Appearance 3 Personality 4 Trivia 4.1 Character Notes 4.2 Production Notes History Early life Zebra-Man | Bad Cop | Poseidon (Clash of the Titans) - Heroes and Villains Wiki Bruno | Amygdala | As years passed, Hades began planning to kill Zeus and usurp control of the world from him. Killer Croc | Brain | Black Mask | Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League - Gotham City Breakout In response, Kronos began swallowing his children in hopes of preventing the prophecy from coming true. Lord Voldemort | Crash of the Titans is the fourteenth installment in the Crash Bandicoot video game series, and is the sixth mainline series game. Zeus is a major character in Clash of the Titans and the 2010 remake and the tritagonist of Wrath of the Titans. Carmine Falcone | Catwoman | Alice | Flying Monkeys | Through this transformation of deformity, Zeus condemned Calibos to be shunned and forced to live as an outcast in the swamps and marshes, which in turn led to his engagement with Andromeda being broken forever. In fact, Zeus himself had tried to court her once, but she was able to turn him down. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Joker | Mutant Leader | Harvey Dent | Selina Kyle | Bruno & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Calibos is the secondary antagonist of the 1981 film version of Clash of the Titans. Freeze | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Ra's al Ghul | Hush, Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Perseus decides to throw his shield in the arms of one of the statues and the Gorgon, seeing his reflection, shoots an arrow on it. Calibos attacked Perseus a second time after Perseus decapitated Medusa and killed Io, but Perseus stabbed him through the heart and reverted him into his original mortal form before Acrisius fell to his doom. Sacrifice Andromeda to the Kraken (all failed). GenocideDestruction Firefly | Batman: Year One: Batman | Gotham City Police Department (Commissioner Loeb, Arnold John Flass & Howard Branden) | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone & Johnny Viti) | Catwoman | Joker ( 17 ) Crimes Maxie Zeus | Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Darkseid | Female Furies (Granny Goodness, Gilotina, Mad Harriet, Lashina & Stompa) | Doomsday Jeremiah Arkham | Mayor Oswald Cobblepot | Floronic Man | Origin Evil-doer Freeze | Clayface | Riddler | Poison Ivy | Lex Luthor | Flower Children | Fun Haus |Harley Quinn | Morgaine Le Fey | Sweet Tooth | Queenie Goldstein | Bane | Kite Man | Black Manta | Gentleman Ghost | Major Force | Mirror Master | Metallo | Brainiac | Flamingo | Mxyzptlk | Toyman | Thinker | Doctor Sivana | Mister Mind | Black Adam, Beware the Batman Suicide Squad: Eyes of the Adversary (Enchantress & Incubus) | Suicide Squad (Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc, Slipknot & Amanda Waller) | Joker's Gang (Joker, Jonny Frost, Panda Man & Monster T) | Griggs (The Forest's Curse and the White Bokurei!) The Grim Knight | Suicide Squad | Hush | Hades was the first of his sibling to be devoured by his evil father and his brother Poseidon soon followed. Jason Todd | Circus of Strange | Clash of the Titans (1981) - IMDb Batman: The Long Halloween: Holiday | Falcone Crime Family (Carmine Falcone, Milos Grapa, Alberto Falcone, Johnny Viti & Sofia Falcone) | Two-Face | Joker | Solomon Grundy | Salvatore Maroni | Poison Ivy | Penguin | Scarecrow | Mad Hatter | San Ho Hui (Mickey Chen) | Calendar Man | Catwoman Robin King | We are currently editing 393 articles and 2,322 images since August 2010. . The Powerpuff Girls (2016): Mojo Jojo He then grabs a torch and throws it near a statue, causing Medusa to shoots it. Anarky | Red Hood Villains | Medusa then tries to shoot arrows on Perseus and Sheikh Sulieman, but they flee and escape from her sight. Crimes Murder Type of Villain Homicidal Monster Batman Forever: Riddler | Two-Face | Sugar | Spice | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Neon Gang (Neon Gang Leader) | Salvatore Maroni Savage Skull | The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker Contents 1 Victims 2 Deaths 3 Kill Counts 4 Navigation Victims Ten Fish - Vaporized by Damian Wayne/Robin with a laser. Deacon Blackfire | Kite Man | And much to the shock and joy of everyone present: especially Andromeda, he gives the right answer: a gold ring set with two perfect pearls, which had been a gift to Calibos from Thetis. Ratcatcher | Holly Robinson | Two prequel comics "Shazam! Scooby-Doo! Riddler | Alice | It was released on June 21, 2016. Let's Get Primeval; List of Danger Joe Show episodes; King Tut | Perseus, a demigod and the son of Zeus, battles the minions of Hades and the Underworld in order to stop them from conquering Olympus and Earth. The Kraken, then runs slowly away like nothing happened to his commrad and later gets locked away back in the Phantom Zone with the rest of the Uber Villains (excluding the Joker). Sacrifice Andromeda to the Kraken (all failed). Flying Monkeys | In fact, he went as far as to trap and kill a sacred herd of flying horses (all except Pegasus) that belonged to Zeus, the King of the Gods as well as the Ruler of Mount Olympus. The Kraken is briefly mentioned by Hephaestus, when asking to Perseus if he is the one related to the great Perseus who slayed the Kraken. Signalman | Riddler | Goals Perseus uses Medusa's severed head to turn the Kraken to stone. However, Kronos, King of the Titans, was warned of a prophecy where one of his six children would kill him and take control of the world from him. The Kraken Goals Gillian B. Loeb | Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker Ultimate Clash 2: A New Threat; OK K.O.! Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Magpie | Baby Doll | However, the goddess did not protect her and Poseidon raped her in the temple. None Roxy Rocket | Mr. Spellbinder | Clash of the Titans Prequel Comic Portrayed by Gemma Arterton Character information Full name Io Personality Gentle, soft-spoken, protective, motherly, caring Occupation Perseus' protector (formerly) Alignment Good Affiliations Perseus Olympians Goal To help Perseus save Argos. Ernie Chubb | Enigma | Lord Garmadon | Clash of the Titans Wiki | Fandom Medusa then advances ahead, seeking the demigod. Cornelius Stirk | Bane | It is a sequel to Shazam! : Billy Numerous | Mammoth | Terra Outsiders Villains | Over time, many men came into her hideout but she killed all of them by petrifying them or by using her archery skills. Kraken | Royal Flush Gang | Flamingo | Medusa (Clash of the Titans) - Heroes and Villains Wiki He was also very contemptuous of humans, despising them for believing Zeus' lies and wrongly avoiding Hades. Victor Zsasz | Mole | Monk | Freeze | Man-Bat | Ventriloquist and Scarface | Roland Daggett | Clock King | Bane | Hugo Strange | Lloyd Ventrix | Kyodai Ken | Baby Doll | Emile Dorian | Red Claw | Boss Biggis | Sewer King | Talia al Ghul | Maxie Zeus | Lock-Up | Professor Milo | Count Vertigo | Daniel Mockridge | Grant Walker | Gil Mason | Arkady Duvall | Ferris Boyle | Arnold Stromwell | Tony Zucco | H.A.R.D.A.C. Kraken (Clash of The Titans) Edit Summary The Kraken, in Greek Mythology, is a giant sea monster of tremendous size and strength. This attack deals decent damage to a single foe and may make the foe fearful .) Hi. Squid | Mayor Oswald Cobblepot | Hobby His vocal sound effects were provided by John Hughes in the 2010 film. Cheetah | Steeljacket | Category:Characters | Clash of the Titans Wiki | Fandom Advertisement pages Explore Characters Greece Movies Comics in: Content Characters Category page View source A list of Characters from the Clash of the Titans franchise. Gremlins | Deadshot | Planet Master | King Snake | This is shown when they overthrew the Titans, as Hades participated with the other Gods. Penguin | Sal Maroni | Riddler | The A-Team: Batman: Death in the Family: Jason Todd | Joker | Black Mask | Ra's al Ghul | Riddler | Talia al Ghul | Cheetah | Two-Face More Villains deafet Wiki. Brother EYE | Alias Alias It is the 13th installment in the DC Extended Universe. Zeus threw a lightning bolt from affar and merged it with Perseus's sword. Warning: Spoilers are to be expected when browsing the wiki. Sauron | Evil-doer Rupert Thorne | | Dracula | Rumor | Toyman | Mirror Master | Lex Luthor | Black Mask | Sinestro | Joker 2.0 | Prank | Killgore Steed | Team Penguin | Julie | Spellbinder | Blaze | The Joining | Cosmo Krank | Marty Slacker | Scorn | Wrath | Metallo | Shadow-Thief | Black Adam, Batman: The Brave and The Bold Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Credence Barebone | Gnarlak | Mary Lou Barebone | Percival Graves | Queenie Goldstein Catwoman | Donna Troy | Neo Joker | Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler | Clayface | Mr Freese | Sweet Tooth, Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures Batman & Robin: Poison Ivy | Mr. Arnold John Flass | Clayface | Medusa isa major antagonist in the 1981 film Clash of the Titans and its 2010 remake of the same name. Crimes Jurassic World: Indominus rex Anarky | The 1981 feature film Clash of the Titans was remade in 2010, spawning the 2012 sequel Wrath of the Titans. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Clash of the Titans (1981) Occupation Goddess of the Sea Patron Goddess of Joppa Mother of Calibos Lover of Poseidon Powers / Skills Immortality Teleportation Premonition Shapeshifting Geokinesis Magic Hobby No information Goals Avenge Calibos and herself. The 1981 incarnation of the Kraken is one of the many villains that joined the Joker as part of his Uber Villains to take over all of Gotham City. The following is a list of all the Villains on Class of the Titans. Jeremiah Arkham | The Batman vs. Dracula: Dracula | Penguin | Joker Family Metis (mother) Zeus (father) Apollo (paternal half-brother) Hephaestus (stepbrother) Artemis (paternal half-sister) Following an initial announcement, the subsequent sequel Revenge of the Titans went undeveloped. The mythical Perseus does, however, slay a similar sea monster called Cetus, saving Andromeda in the process. Fun Haus | Black Glove | As a result of this, he not only hunted and destroyed every living creature in the domains that Thetis had given him to rule, but also trapped and killed Zeus' sacred herd of flying horses (except Pegasus). Clash of the Titans (1981 film) - Wikipedia The Kraken has a major role in the 1981 film, far more than it does in its original mythology. Crime Doctor | Thetis was first introduced as the beautiful Goddess of the Sea, as well as a prominent honored member of Mount Olympus. Joker: Clowns (Joker, Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Penny Fleck | Wall Street Three | The Unnamed Vandals | Penny Fleck's Boyfriend And this goes right through to contemporary literature, TV and film, says author Dan Jones. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Clash of the Titans (1981) Saint Batman | Penny Plunderer | The Dark Knight: Joker | Joker's Thugs (Thomas Schiff, Chuckles, Kilson, Happy, Dopey, Grumpy & Bus Driver) | Two-Face | Sal Maroni | The Chechen | Gambol | Lau | Bank Manager | Michael Wuertz | Burmese Bandit On one such occasion, Perseus followed the Vulture while riding Pegasus and with the aid of his Helmet of Invisibility, he observed the entire proceedings and saw the answer to the newest riddle. Doctor Phosphorus | Amanda Waller | Captain Boomerang | Homicidal Monster, Serpentine agility and dexterityInhuman aggression and strengthPrehensile bodyArcheryCorrosive blood (1981 version can spawn creatures). 1981 Floronic Man | However, the latter suddenly springs from behind a column and manages to behead her with his sword. Godzilla vs. Kong - Wikipedia Nightslayer | List of Clash of the Titans Villains' Defeats/Gallery Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Mime | Freeze | Shame | Harley Quinn Freeze | Catwoman | None Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (or simply Rise of the Titans) is a Netflix original film created by Guillermo Del Toro, produced by DreamWorks Animation and Double Dare You Productions. A long time ago, before mortals existed, the Titans ruled the cosmos. After the explosion, Perseus recovers his sword and his shield but the Gorgon comes towards him, however Draco arrives and uses his knifes to crack a stalactite, making it fall over Medusa's tail. Greek mythology creature Freeze | Catwoman | Penguin | Harley Quinn | Poison Ivy Comics In the beginning, Hades was heroic and loyal to his brothers. The Devastator | Calibos is the son of Thetis, the Goddess of the Sea, who planned a rich and powerful future for him: she intended for him to marry the Princess Andromeda of Joppa, and subsequently become in future the ruler of the entire rich Kingdom of Joppa and Phoenicia. However, in the climax, he realizes his mistake and shares his powers with Zeus. However, she was seduced by the god Poseidon and they made love in the goddess's temple, which angered her. Freeze | The Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Egghead | Clock King | Queenie Goldstein | Sandman | Dr. Cassandra Spellcraft | Cabala | Minstrel | Shame | False Face | The Siren | Undine | Chandell & Harry | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Cornelia | Baby Jane Towser | Lydia Limpet | Zelda the Great | The Puzzler | Olga, Queen of Cossacks | Marsha, Queen of Diamonds | Lord Marmaduke Ffogg | Lady Penelope Peasoup | Ma Parker | Freddy the Fence | Lola Lasagne | Nora Clavicle | Colonel Gumm | Minerva | Killer Moth | Calamity Jan, 1970s Filmation series The Simpsons: Mr. Burns Occupation The creature effects were created with stop-motion photography, using a physical monster model. Calibos then urged Thetis to punish those whom Perseus loved, such as Andromeda, and even went as far as to try convincing her to persuade Poseidon to release the Kraken to destroy Joppa.