During the 1980s, the Hoover Criminals Gang have spreadto different parts of the world to expand their drug operations. The Hoover Criminals Gang have been portrayed in several movies such as South Central (Warner Bros. 1992) based on the 1987 novel South Central L.A.Crips by Donald Bakeer, a former South Los Angeleshigh school student. and we on a mission. thats why we keep going back to the pen to find that good sex homeboy. The West Side (W/S) 92 Hoover Criminal Gang (mainly referred to as the "9-Deuce Hoover Criminal Gang") are a long standing Hoover set located in the western district of South Los Santos. we love it deep in the ass just like in our cell blocks back at our first home. Alleged Hoover gang members accused of 3 murders, other crimes in small thing im asking for, Just say your name bitch you the hardcore net banger you from MS13 what they call you Dont get shy now what they call you since you banging MS13 so hard, tf does my name have to do with shit im going to ask the 3rd time Hmu with ur contact imformation dont change the subject again its showing how u dont want to link, Gangs are fucking retarded and useless & if ur in one I feel sorry for you, your destiny will and with the prison sentence or death , 716-Grxxve gang 17 HCG Cig Hs w3st-up, W3st W3st nx naps, Hxxva Grxxva NHC remxver 17 Hxxva Criminal we active AF dxwn sxuth, Do you even know what your talking aboutso you 1X7 HXXVA but put NHC in your comment and if you from down south like Oklahoma which is the only 1X7 gang rhats farrrr more active then losangeles but Los Angeles hasnt been on anything since the 9Xs but you saying your criminal but your not from Los Angeles, 107 in Oklahoma is HXXVA Cripp because that criminal shit only started and is going on in LA so you dont know what you talking about me and my family. R crip..and who ev3rsaid ee aint crips they aint got enoghh rank to say so cuzz they aint oundin fathers do fuc big homie with a sic dumu dic cuzz im goin keep grooven in til the world stop movein and m y c in side of hcg is keep standin 4 crip, Fucc u snoova as niggas, 610 wit an s at tha end nigga!!!!! W/S 94 Hoover Criminals - Factions - Los Santos Roleplay 107Hver criminal uk 107 Hoover Criminal Gang. I dont gang bkang bkut i fw the set the longway. There are no real gangsters anymore a real gangster was the mafia where they handled theirs like a real gangster would. Still war but not like back then. He looks like the back of a dirty baboon in the Jungle somewhere. Well done! Sissy Bashin!! Lil moo.big black.bigg bull.lil snake.baby syco loc.tha homegurl bigg brown eues. Enemies tried to destroy our homosexual history but Im here to drop knowledge of the Grooveline. Ste. Yall cank rxll sum nkuts ink ya mouth pkunk aask bkitch.its Hxxver CRIMINAL gang nkapp Bklasting onk all u nhck yall ink last pklace lol skilly bkitch. Their rivals consist of all Rollin O's & Neighborhood Crips and/or street gangs that associate themselves with the 2x Card, especially . FUCK YALL LAME ASS NIGGAS. New York State Gangs - Grand Theft Auto 6 Concept Wiki Guide - IGN https://unitedgangs.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/hoover-crips-hoover-street-www_flvto_com.mp3. A Gilbert police officer is facing multiple criminal charges of making false statements and tampering with an arrest record, court records show. (90s).Grxxve Gxng Or Dxnt Bang Cuxx, HxxvaCripkGang . The 107 Hoover Crips are the largest Crips gang in the Southwest Region of the state and are known for drugs, guns, and numerous homicide incidents, and are enemies with the NHC 90 Crips and the Rollin' 60's Crips. and oh my nigga why you think we wear pink drawz and wife beater tee shirts all yearlong? NORTH TOWN DONNA STREET CRIP 347 LAA VEGAS . we been trying to make a statement homie. Pingback:Shea Serranos Nostalgia Mixtape The Nostalgia Mixtape, Pingback:Hoover in europe , Pingback:The Spectator : Ranking My Top Ten Albums of 2016, Pingback:H Crown Grt The Business (music video) |, GANSTA CHINNUTS FA LIFE NIGGA SLURPTOWN GANGSTA FOOL yoohoo hello, Shea Serranos Nostalgia Mixtape The Nostalgia Mixtape, The Spectator : Ranking My Top Ten Albums of 2016, H Crown Grt The Business (music video) |, A Gang Feud Fallout: Hoover Criminals vs. Main StreetCrips, Portland HooverCripGang Member Sentenced as an Armed Career Criminal. AND NOW THAT YO FACE IS OFF MY BALLS YOU ALL HI AND MIGHTY NOW HUH MY LOVABLE NIGGA HUH? Rich Rollin fucc all snoovasreal talk, etgck,snoovak,bk all day cuh. "DAPO agents are out there working hard to make our communities safer," DAPO Director Guillermo Viera Rosa . August 16, 2009,DequawnAllenalso known asFour Star,a member ofthe94 Hooverswas walking from ashopping mall (BroadwaySwatmeet)on87th PlaceandBroadway. aint nobody try read that long ass paragraph of bullshit. H.I.p Xg Earlie b.Cadillac boys 4eva, Hoover for life (H) bk all day in till i died. We are The Hoover Groovers. H52VA CrIIP 837 Gr52V3 gang. Well I call phony bruh. Is hxxva Cripk gankg a valid set? We out here inwreckless war at the end of the day everybody gone gang bkang in they own way. Jailhouse Asshole Bangin Hoover Groovers because it dont mess up the Grooveline from friday to gay day. 92 Hoover Criminal Gang - GTA World . New Jersey Gangs List - Grand Theft Auto 6 Concept Wiki Guide - IGN Napp blasting on all u nhc bkitches. NIGGA FUC DOKEY STAIN (DONA ST.) KUZ YALL WEAK ASS FUC ON W/S GERSONxPARKxKINGZMAN ALLEYSHOTS BGEEZ KUZ BABY. The 107 Hoover Criminals Gang originated in the 1970s, around 107th Street and Hoover Street, between Vermont Ave and Figueroa Ave. 107 Hoover Criminals 112 Hoover Criminals 123 Crips advertisement. the kind that no bitch could ever give us. We both played puppet to the police, shit I recall we all was cool b4 it jumped off!! check your history rt homie. And now im fucking sippin some Sizzurp and Smoking a nice Blunt ! 812 tok all my Hxxver Criminal nkiggas, 52 137 Groove on any nd everything that disrespect it, Hoova Groovin on my end Coming live from the 936 streets fw ya nigga ta all my LoCs ion got no OG I gotta 6ig Homie Throwing all my Cs ta the sky jamming Live ya Life S/H to the 6ig Homie Z~Ro and errbody on the Loyal side, Mane C safe to all my hogs mane dis ETGC on my end NBA bashin wit a passion ya smell me i bang wit my hoova niggas too so s/o to the vers mane foreal keepin it m8v3nk n Gvin, Yeah we grxxve wit yall . We keeping it live in Elk City Oklahoma, Fayetteville N.C. Aka Fayettenaim West Side Selx Grxxve Gang 1X7, Hxxva criminal 17 Memphis Tennessee cum get upk wit us we kill sh^it fa nkx reasxn, Is there any in mobile Alabama I want to join, Is there any in mobile Alabama I want t to join, Hxxver Gangg Hxxver stxmpin till the cxps cxme ebk abk, Nkapk azz bitcc, 17 hxxva chu, fucc wit me, Hey just wanting to know what Im getting into Ive recently started dateing a Hoover 107. Get Left or LearN deathK fuCC outta hKea 610. The Hoover Criminals Gang in Portland, Oregon, is considered the most active offshoot of the Hoover Criminals Gang outside of Los Angeles, CA. NIGGA DIS OG GANSTA CHINNUTS MY LOVABLE NIGGA. Hoover Criminals - unitedgangs.com The Hoover Criminals in Portland, consist of the 112 Hovers Criminals and the 107 Hoover Criminals as well as the 74 Hoovers Criminals Gang. SchoolBoy Qis also part of the Black Hippy (rap group), which include long-time friends Jay Rock of the Bounty Hunter Bloods and Kendrick Lamar of Compton California. This gang has become not only active in California but Tennessee Chicago as well. All love all m cuzins at the end of tge day. 59 Hoover Crip All Day Kill A Slobk ,, BK!!! Fuck all yall who have no clue and to u fake asses watch what u say it really aint no joke get off this page and leave it to the real gangstas to be gangsta. The complaint describes how 107 Hoover gang member Rafer Alston, 23, allegedly sat outside of Askew's home near Augusta and Holland avenues in central Fresno on March 8, waiting for him to. well this is what i dont understand.how could hoover crips be n l.a and there is people n new york that is banging it and haveing rivals i know that gangs can move very fast but i just dont understand.. Three main sides to this crippin Nhc/hxxva/gangster. involved WitH Us in the dueces & trays beef. We may not be in the land but we were given knowledge and put down with knowledge from niggas from the west cooast. !know ur shot &where u come from&what happen groovers.we all Hoovers respect da trays,83gangsta crips.HOWEVER WE GROOVE FOR ANYTHING BUT RIDE TIL U DIE WITH ALL TRAYS GO HARDER THEN HARD GROOVERS!!! Yxung dxzjah 107 HCG ok bk ck gk all day everyday fay til da day in die grxxvin fxr life, selx abk xn mines. Their main blood rival is the larger Denver Lane Bloods. The 83 Hoover Criminals share a close alliance with the 74 Hoover Criminals and form the Tray-Fours Hoovers Criminal Gang (34HCG). The Denver Lanes are also bitter rivals of all Hoover Criminals, particularly the 107 Hoover Criminals Gang and 112 Hoover Criminals Gang [2] as well as the 92 Hoover Criminals Gang and 94 Hoover Criminals Gang. Cus my fam is loccin we all do it bkut when i see another loc outside my fam i whistle and cuz dont even know the shit..idk maybke down souf niggas aint hipk on dat shit.. Snoovak nigga..rollin 60..fucc all snoovak, etgck, bk, fucc all treys and gangstas biiiiiith, Fuk a ckrab whistle nkigga we grxxvin and Hxxver stumping okn u rxlling sessy.we Bklasting okn all nkappy heads bkitch. i think she from 52 hoover and she be rappin. Hoovers were never Gangsters, the HCG means Hoover Crip Gang. it was lovely our enemies became our friends. Hoover Criminals | Hip-Hop Database Wiki | Fandom But Im not in a gang. All yxu silverspxxn ass nigga need to knxw DXNT come arxund cuh, yxu will get hurt . If I was to go to Cali bkankgink hxxva Cripk gankg will it bke invalid ? whites,blacks and illegal brow-turned pride. What does hoover criminals mean? - definitions Proudly Providing Arizona With Aggressive Criminal Defense. If I was to go to Cali bkankgink Hxxva Cripk Gankg will it bke invalid ? All. BE A MAN. W/S 83 Hoover Criminals - Factions - Los Santos Roleplay We would hit anal canal real deep and then sign silly love songs while drinking cups of thick white cum from homeless men. 107 22 CrazyOrientalKid 3 days ago Westminster City: Natoma Boys (NB), 1990. And its all H gang xr dxnt bkang. FuCC a PkiRu, A hxxver frxm the land came to hxustxn . Matthew Lopez is one of the top rated criminal defense and DUI lawyers in Arizona. Leave me ya number & Ill contact ya grxxves 812, I bang Hxxver Crip Gang my OG from CALI bang it we are forever crips but we are also criminal 43-112 we are forever crips WSNDHCG, INSANE CRIP ES LXNG BEACH FUCC NAPSK FUCC CPTK 3X HXXVERSANE. Raymond Lee Washington and Stanley tookie Williams big home til I die and crip walk with ya in heave. And for what? It was founded in the 1970s and is a set of the larger Hoover Criminals umbrella. Records: Gilbert officer charged with falsifying PD report - KNXV TrAyS Up DueCeS DoWn (facedown- ass up home gangsta style). As HGc tHinking HCG fake tHats braking hxxvas apart so end tHat shit & Grxxve proper 43-112 MHL, Yxu riGHt Grxxve Its 52 HXXVA CRIM GANG & 52 HXXVA GANGSTA XRIP wHicH means tHat if you gr52vn 2 52 Hxxva Crim gang but yxu werent but dwn in the land youre 52 HXXVA CRIP GANG. Deceased members Related stories: Original Westside Crips of South Los Angeles The Westside Crips were a. Edmund talks about growing up as a Mad Swan Blood during most violent decade STREETGANGS.COM | March 22, 2015. This aint a kendrick lamarsong yall are lame come se side or n side see how long u last in the thick,fuck ur shit GET THE FUCK OFF DONT LOOK BACK!!!!!! They are one of the largest Hoover sets outside of Los Angeles, with membership around 200-250 active members. The 107 Hoover Criminals Gang (107HCG), also known as 107 Groove Gang or Selos and formerly known as 107 Hoover Crips Gang (HCG), are a long-standing African-American criminal street gang located on the West Side of South Central, Los Angeles, California. Killing suckers. Some 4,000 gang members continue to wreak havoc in Southwestern > The Hoovers (Portland), were featured on the History Channel; Gangland,Everybody Killers.. (No name) STFU U DONT KNOW THE STREETS AND WHY WE DO THIS U WERE NEVER RAISED IN THE STREETS SO U CANT EXPLAIN SHIT WE DO PLUS U NEVER SAY THAT TO A REAL G IN UR LIFE, HITTING LICKS GET U MONEY AND PROB GET ABOUT WHAT U GET EVERY 3 PAY CHECKS SO YEAH BITCH IM LIVING GOOD AND NOT IN JAIL CAUSE IK HOW NOT TO GET CAUGHT SO YEAH U DUMB BITCH I DO IT FOR THE MONEY XD, He has got to be bored net bang Monday nobody gives a shit about your pockets my friend, well truth is idgaf what he thinks or u im just stating facts my friend, and i dont have to bang on on the computer i can get off and link XD, OK goodbye netbanger of the day you really was bored today Im quite sure everyone is shaking in their boots scared to go outside with all this netbanging going on, well i asked for a way to contact why cant u do that and see if im real and not just assume if im not joking? Led by a man named Raymond Austin with associates Tasha Presley Tiffany Presley Kiesha Presley Frenchie Louellen Detroit Michigan Dorothy Kinchelow Doris Little Dee Chatman Denitra Chatman Marcus Payne Lillie Bell Chatman Ira Morgan Ronald Bo Taylor Glenn, Gwendolyn Regina Taylor Milton Owens Charles Kinchelow III Indianapolis Indiana Charles Kinchelow Jr Memphis Tennessee Ira Morgan Liz Shea Gayhawks Motorcycle Club Members Mary Kinchelow. On August 1979, Raymond Washington was murdered in a drive-by shooting.